Knowledge through Indian Languages

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

ঈতোন ফায়বা
(Eeton Phaiba): Excretion of bloody faeces = to pass faeces/ dung which contains blood due to dysentery.

ঈতোন ফায়ব(গী) লাইনা
(Eeton Phaibagi Laina):Dysentery = This term was formerly applied to and condition in which inflammation of colon (main part of large intestine extending from caecum to rectum) was associated with the frequent passages of bloody stool but at present it is confined to amoebic dysentery, the result of infection with the Entamoeba histolytica and bacillary dysentery due to the infection with Bacterium dysenteriae. The main symptom is the violent diarrhoea passing blood and mucus. The dysentery are spreaded in food and/or water contaminated with the faeces of a carrier (formerly infected person). Bacillary dysentery has milder symptoms, such as simple diarrhoea, nausea, high temperature of the body and cramps (spasmodic contraction of muscles involuntarily and painfully) and there may also be intestinal haemorrhage. This suffering lasted only for about 10 (ten) day. Treatment of this may be successful with antibiotic.

ঈ নঙশিনবা
(Ee Nangshinba): Blood coagulation = Blood clothing = the process whereby the blood is converted from a liquid to a solid state. The process may be initiated by the contact of blood with foreign surface (intrinsic system) or with damaged tissue (extrinsic system). Those systems involve the transection of a variety of substances (coagulation factors) and lead to the production of enzyme thrombin, which converts the soluble blood protein fibrinogen to the insoluble protein fibrin. Blood coagulation is an essential mechanism for the arrest of bleeding (haemostasis).

ঈ ফমজিনবা
(Ee-Famjunba): Coagulation of blood = Ee Nangshinba, see `Ee-Nangshinba`

ঈ হাথবা
(Ee-Hathaba): Bleeding = the act of sudden gushing out of blood due to severe injury or other disorders in the blood stream or blood vessels. (i) Haemorrhage, see `Eethong Kaiba`.

ঈথোঙ কায়বা
(Eethong kaiba): Bleeding/Haemorrhage = Large scale bleeding where large quantity of blood is lost, especially haemorrhage from a wound caused by the brust of a bood vessel. To bleed too much may bring shock (sudden physical and mental disturbance) and if it be form major artery/vein may cause to fetal life. Blood from an artery is bright red and emerges in spurts and the blood from a vein is darker and emerges in study flows. Arterial Haemorrhage = bleeding of bright red blood from artery. Brain/Cerebral haemorrhage = bleeding which occurs immediately after the injury is suffered. Secondary Haemorrhage = bleeding which occurs sometimes after the injury due to infection of the wound. Venous Haemorrhage = bleeding of dark blood from the breakage/brust of a vein. Haemorrhagic disease of the newborn = disease of babies which make them bleeding caused by temporary lack of prothrombin. Haemorrhagic strock = stroke caused by the burst blood vessel.

ঈনু শিয়োম
(Eenu Shiyom):Womb/Uterus = an abdominal organ of pearshaped structure in women / girls is connected to the top to the ovaries via Fallopian tubes and to the bottom to the vagina via cervix.It is a part of the reproductive system and is lined with a layer of specialized cells (Endomatrium) that after puberty regularly accumulated and finally shed through the vagina about every 28 day following the hormonal directions of menstrual cycle. If conception occurs, the fertilized ovum (zygote) travels along the Fallopian tube and implants in the endometrium (mucous membrane lining of uterus) where the placenta develops as the interface of the blood circulation of the embryo and the mother and the menstruation cycle was temporarily stopped. As pregnancy advances the uterus/womb expands as necessary while the foetus grows within the amnion. At the childbirth uterine contractions of labour gently expel the baby through the cervix and along the vagina.

(Eepai): Asthenia/Debility = the generally unspecific weakness or abnormal physical weakness affecting the whole body.

ঈপাই খারাওবী
(Eepai Kharaobi): Debilitation = the act/action of a disease to impair the strength of a person so as not to enable to carry out one`s lively functions/activities as his/her strength is reduced to weak animal function.

ঈ মপালশাবা
(Ee Mapal Shaba): Haematocolpos = The state/condition of women where the vagina is filled with blood at menstruation because the hymen has no opening due to some disorder.
