Knowledge through Indian Languages

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

(Khuningthou): Ring finger = the fourthfinger from the thumb. The ring finger as the other fingers except the thump has three pieces of bones in each internode of the finger. It is usually used to wear ring, hence the name is given.

(Khuneeng): This term denotes both the elbow of upper limb and heel of the lower limb. Hence they are as:- (I) Elbow = the joint between the upper arm and the forearm or the hinged joint where the armbone (humerus) joins the forearm bones (radius and ulna). It is a common site of fractures and dislocation Tennis elbow = Pitcher`s elbow (U.S.A) = Inflammation of the tendons of the extensor muscles (the muscles which makes a joint straight) in the hand which are attached to the bone near the elbow. Cubital fossa = depression in the front of elbow joint. (II) Heel = the back/rear part of the foot extends behind the ankle joint. It is the main weight bearing partoin of the foot.Inside the heet there is heel bone (calcaneus) which is supported by a thick pad of tissue.

(Khubak): Palm = Anterior/flexor surface of hand or the soft inside part of the hand. It is more sensitive than the palmer.see `Khunam` also.

(Khubee): Thumb = The large, two boned digit on the inner side of each hand. It is set at angle on the hand and it represents a great evolutionary advance in being opposable to the rest of the fingers, all extremely delicacy in handling and picking things up.

(Khubom): Calf = the fleshy part of the leg lying as the back of the shank or extending behind the shin, below the knee-joint part and above the ankle- joint.It is formed by the gastrocnemius muscles or (ii) the young ones of harbivorous animals.

(Khumeet): this term denotes both the wrist-point of the wrist-joint of the forearm and hand and the ankle-point of the ankle which joins the lower leg and the foot. Wrist-point = it is small side bulging point on outside part of the wrist and formed by the smallest bone of the carpus, calls pisiform. Ankle point = it is two protruding point inside and outside parts of the joint of ankle and the inside one is a little higher in location than the outside one.

(Khon): Voice = A sound produced by the vocal organs and uttered through the mouth, especially by humans in speech or song/singing.

খোন তাবা
(Khon Taba): = Hoarseness = Roughness of the sound of the voice with huskiness in speaking, shouting etc. It is caused by laryngitis. Laringitis = the condition of inflammation of the larynx and vocal folds due to the infection by bactria or viruses or irritation by gases, chemicals, etc. The folds lose their vibrance(owning to swelling) and voice becomes husky or is lost completely; breathing is harsh and difficult [the noise heard on breathing in when the trachea/ larynx is obstructed. It tends to be louder and harsher (stridor suffering)] and the cough is painful and honking. Obstruction of the airways may be occasionally be serious, especially in children. The patient should rest his voice and remain in warm moisture-laden atmosphere; steam inhalations for 15-20 minutes every 2-3 hours are traditionally beneficial.

খোন শিবা
(Khon-Shiba): Hoarseness = See `Khon Taba`

খোন শেনবা
(Khon-shenba):Hoarseness = See `Khon Taba`
