Knowledge through Indian Languages

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

(Phadi): Towel = a piece of soft/absorbent cloth, etc. which is used for drying body, dishes, etc. Sanitary towel = wad of absorbent cotton placed over the vulva to absorb the menstral flow.

(Frat-Frat-Onba): Welter = Rolling = a state of swinging the body left and right in the lying position due to scorching or sharp pinching pain or to roll the body in the same way of confusion and turmoil.

(Fantup-Lai): Pox = a suffering of pocks of the kind of covering the body skin or some part of the body skins with the rashes or quadrengular or triangular shaped rashes on the inflamed/infected sites/spots of virus. It is similar to the chicken-pox to some extent.

(Fingou-Chatpa): Leucorrhoea = the female disease of discharge of the whitish or yellowish mucus or mucous fluid from the vaginal opening. It may occur normally the quantity usually increasing before and after mentruation. An abnormally large discharge may indicate infection of the lower reproductive tract, for example by the protozoan named Tricomonas vaginalis as in vaginitis (inflammation of vagina which may be caused by the same protozoan. There is often itching, increased vaginal discharge, and pain on passing urine).

(Fingba): Hotheadedness = the state of mind or mental faculty which is rendered to be in an easily angered or agitated degree of stain/tension.

(Finung): Private part = `Athibam`, see `Athibam`.

(Finunggee-Laina): Venereal disease = (VD) = sexually transmitted disease (STD) = any disease transmitted by sexual intercourse, formerly known as venereal diseases, STDs or VDs include - AIDs, syphillis, gonorrhoea, some chalmydia infections, genital herps and soft sore. The medical speciality concerned with STDs is Genitourinary Medicine.

(Firak/Nungkham): Liver = Hepar = The largest gland of the body, weighing 1200-1500g. It is situated in the top right portion of the abdominal cavity. The liver is divided by fissures (Fossae) into four bodies, as :- The Right (the largest lobe), the Left, the Quadrate and the Caudate Lobes.The liver is connected to the diaphragm and abdominal walls by five ligaments (blands of sheath of tough, fibrous tissues) : the membranous falciform (which seperates the right and left lobes), coronary and right and left triangular ligmaments and the fibrous round ligament, which is derived from the embryonic umbilical vein. Venous blood containing digested food is brought to the liver in the Hepatic portal vein. Branches of this vein pass in between the lobules and terminate in the sinusoids. Oxygented blood is supplied in the hepatic artery. The blood leaves the liver via a central vein in each lobule, which drains into hepatic vein. The liver is supplied by parasympathetic nerve fibres from the vagus nerve and by sympathetic fibres from the solar plexus. The liver has a number of important functions. It synthesizes bile, which drains into the gall bladder before being released into the duodenum. The liver is an impotant site of metabolism o fthe carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It regulates the amount of blood sugar ; converting excess amino-acids by breaking them down into ammonia and finally urea ; and it stores and metabolizes fats. The liver also synthesizes fibrogen and prothrombin (essential blood clothing substance) and heparin, an anticoagulant. It forms red blood cells in the fetus and is the site of production of poisonous substances and it breaks down worn out red cells and other unwanted substances, such as excess oestrogen in male (Kupffer cells = large liver cells which break down the haemoglobins into bile). The liver is also the site of vitamin A synthesis. This vitamin is stored in the liver, together with vitamins B12, D and K. The liver is the site of many important diseases including hepatities (inflammation of liver), cirrhosis (wasting and hardening of tissue), amoebic dysentery (dysentery caused due to infection of the Entamoeba histolytica), hydatid disease [a condition resulting from the presences of hydatid (Echinococcus tapeworm, E. Multilocularis of hydatid (Echinococcus tapeworm, E. multicularis and E granulous)cysts] and hepatatomas (tumour having its root in the liver).

(Fi-Laikoi): Ring worm = Tinea = a disease of fungus infection of the skin, the scalp and the nail. This infection includes to occur even on those areas covered by the hair. Ringworm/ tinea is caused by the dermatophyte fungi, species of Microsporum, Trichophyton and Epidermophyton and also affects animals, a source of infection for humans. It can spread by direct contact or via infected materials. The lesions of ringworm may form partial or complete rings and may cause intense itching. The commonest form of ringworm is athetetes foot (Tinea pendis) which affects the skin between the toes. Common symptoms includes small, red, scaly rings of itching raised tissue,; they are as follows: Tinea barae= barber`s itch = ringworm of bread. Tinea capitis = ringworm of scalp. Tinea corporis = circinata a ringworm of body (smooth nonhairy skin surfaces). Tinea manus = ringworm of fungal infection of hand caused by Trichophyton purpureum. Tinea Cruris = Dhobi/jock itch = ringworm of inner thighs, groins and perineal region. Tinea pedus = Anthlete`s foot = ringworm of foot, particularly the skin between toes. Tinea ungulum = ringworm of nail Tinea vericolor = ringworm causing brownish yellow patches on the trunk caused by Malassezia furfur.

ফমজিনবা ঈ
(Famjinba Ee): = Blood cloth= Ee nangshinba, see `Ee Nangsingba`.
