Knowledge through Indian Languages

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

(Tangba): Scar = Cicatrix = it is fibrous tissue marking where a lesion has healed. Perfect healing leaves no scar but as long as healing (or surgical repair) is not perfect a scar remains consisting of a connective tissues. Scar tissue = connective tissue that form a scar.

(Tangba): Tasting = the act of tasting by feeling the taste with the sensation of the taste buds in the tongue to find out the taste it is sweet, bitter, sour or salty on the sensation of taste whether the flavour is delighted, acrid and pungent.

(Tathak-Tathak): (I) Radiant/Lambency = the light which is flickering over a surface or a point or object which emits electromagnetic (having electrical and magnetic radiations (such as ultraviolet rays, alpha, beta, gama, delta, etc. rays; X-rays, etc). (II) Capriciousness = state of being spoke, looked, acted, etc. subject to the sudden change in behaviour, mood or opinion due to mental disorder of fear, terror, etc.

(Tamna-lai): Apparition = Spectre = a sudden appearance of an unexpected form/person assumed as a ghost, spirit, etc. or a sudden unexpected vision of a dreadful feature/structure haunting before the eyes.

(Tareng-Leibee): Hypnotic witchcraft = a black artistic act to keep a person under one`s control as spouse by hynotizing the victim or effected/aggrived person with witchcraft/wizardry.

তাইফেৎ তাইবা
(Taiphet-Taiba): Paleness = Condition of having the pale complexion of the skin (on the face) abnormally on beyond normal due to the suffering from a disease.

(Taki): Syphilis = a contagious venereal and chronic sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum resulting in the formation of lesions throughout the body. The bacteria usually enter the body during sexual intercourse, through the mucous membranes of the vagina urathra but they rarely be transmitted through wounds in the skin or scratches. Bacteria may also pass from an infected pregnant woman across the placenta to the developing fetus resulting in the disease being present at birth (Congenital syphilis). The primary sympton - a hard ulcer [chance (flat hard synthetic sore)] at the site of the infection -foems 2-4 weeks after exposure. Neighbouering lymph nodes enlarge about two weeks later. Secondary stage symptoms apear about two months after the infection and include fever, malaise, general enlargement of lymph nodes and a faint red rash on the chest that persists for 1-2 weeks. After months or even years the disease enters its tertiary stage with the widespread formation of tumour- like masses (gummas = absesses of fad tissue and overgrown scar tissue). Tertiary may cause serious damage to the heart and blood vessels. Cardiovascular syphilis or to the brain and spinal cord (neurosyphilis), resulting in tabes dorsalis (posterior column spinal cord and sensory nerve roots are diseased), blindness and general paralysis of the insane. Treatment with doxycycline, tetracycline or erythromycin. Syphilies can dygnosed by several test.

(Tang): Joint = the point/place where (at which ) two or more bones are connected. The opposing surfaces of the two bones are line with cardtilaginous, fibrous, or soft (synovial) tissue. Three main classes of joints are diarthrosis (freely moveable in one direction], amphiarthrosis [slightly movable or having limited movement as in the spine] and synarthrosis (immovable)

(Taphattaba) : Inaudibility = the state in which the capability of hearing/audibility is weakened due to old age or a disorder in the midde or inner ear or resulted from the accidental stroke/blow/hit on temple of the head to affect the middle or/and inner ear(s). The acute hearing may lead to the deafness.

(Taba): (I) Hear = to sense the sound/voice with hear. (II) Hearing = ability or having the capacity/capability to hear.The function performed by the ear of sensing sound and sending sound impulse to the brain. Hearing aid = tiny electronic device fitted into or near ear, to improve the hearing of deaf person by making sounds louder. Auditory canal or Auditory meatus = the canal leading from pinna (projecting external part of the ear) to the eardrum [tympanum = thin membrane in the middle cavity of ear, that vibrates when sound waves strike it). Auditory nerves = eight cranial nerves which governs hearing and balance.
