Knowledge through Indian Languages

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

(Lamgan) : Unhealthy place or ill conditioned place = place of unsuitable for health or habitation, where evil spirits, epidemics, disease haunted or visited occurred frequently or regularly.

[Lamnamung] : Holy/Sacred place = a place set apart or dedicated to god or sacred use or a place/ground of pilgrimage or pilgrims.

লমজিং লমতাক
(Lamjing-Lamtak) : Advice-Instructive = Pautak, see `Pautak`.

(Lammei) : Wild fire = a sweeping, destructive fire burning in wild places, woods forest, etc. ignited/combusted wildly with no artificial hand.

(Lammei Thanbee): Ignis fatuus = Greek fire Will-O`-the-wisp = the light of combustion/ignition of marsh-gas (Methane, CH4 nonpoisonous, colourless, odourless gas that occurs in gases in oilwells or oilmines, used for making hydrogen, methyl chloride, methyl chlorine, menthol and formaldehyde) apt to lead travellers into danger. or (II) a light produce under the friction of wind with the evolved white phosphorous gas in the wild places or marsh lands.

(Lamhun) : Vesical calculus = see Eeshing Yapham Houba`

লমহুন থুংবা
(Lamhun Thungba) : Vesical calculus suffering = suffering from vesical calculus especially the urinary bladder stone(s) see `Eeshing Yapham Houba`.

(Lammaba-Toomaba) : Divinities of land and water = presiding deities of a place, locality, etc and a piece of submerged land, lake, river, channel, etc.

(Lawai) : Crown of head = the frontal upper or upper front part of the head or the topmost frontal portion of the body lying in the frontal region of the head.

(Lawai-Luton) : Crown- Centre of head : Corona Capitis = Junction of Suture = the centre of the crown of head = suture is a type of immovable joint found particularly in the skull, that is characterized by a minimal amount of connective tissue between the two bones. The cranial sutures include coronal suture between the frontal and parietal, bones, the Lambdoidal suture, between the parietal and occipital bones and the sagittal suture between the two parietal bones. The junction of suture lies at the juncture of sagittal suture which marked two longitudial equal parts of the head and coronal sature in the upperward of the orbits of the fontal bone of the skull or head. At birth the frontal bone consists of right and left halves joined by this junction of suture and its lines on the left and right and on the back. The sature is usually closed during the infancy.
