Knowledge through Indian Languages
Welcome to Bharatavani

Bharatavani is a project with an objective of delivering knowledge in and about all the languages in India using multimedia (i.e., text, audio, video, images) formats through a portal (website). This portal would be all inclusive, interactive, dynamic and moderated. The idea is to make India a Open Knowledge Society, in the era of Digital India.

What is new?

हिन्दी अनाल शब्द-सूची | Hindi Anal Vocabulary
Anal Jemu Ru Jebowngh (Anal Grammar and Composition)
Socio-Cultural and Spiritual Traditions of Northeast Bharat
The Anals of Manipur
Doctrine of Anti Christ Christa Ihroma Minasem No
Manipuri Khodin Class-X
Arangki Pakan Hin Pemin (Collection of Folk Tales, Proverbs and others)