Knowledge through Indian Languages

Encyclopedia (Anal)

The all-in-one section caters to the needs of accessing knowledge based resources covering multiple subjects in Indian Languages. This page of Bharatavani which is available across all language domains presents a wide range of content from the fields of Environmental Science, Encyclopedia, Science & Technology, Art & Literature, Economics and much more.

Socio-Cultural and Spiritual Traditions of Northeast Bharat
The Anals of Manipur
Doctrine of Anti Christ Christa Ihroma Minasem No
Arangki Pakan Hin Pemin (Collection of Folk Tales, Proverbs and others)
The Anal Thimo-Zoo Bu
Anal No
Konum Langhu Pemin
The fact about the Anal Naga
Ropun Bowlki Pemin
Khrista Vansum Kung Vanapasol Nung
Anal Hlaphu
Sulam Pam Pemin, Ngulhlung
The Anal (Pakan) is neither Old nor New Kuki