Knowledge through Indian Languages

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

(Bhangga/Ganja):Hemp = An asiatic plant the leaves of which is used as intoxicant. The scientific name of the popular plant is Connabis saliva which is classified by some as belonging to the mulberry family, Moraceaes but by many now placed in a seperate family designated as `Cannabinaceae`. It yields a course fibre, a narcotic drug and an oil. The narcotic drung uses as intoxicant under the name of Cannabis or Marijuana.

(Bhugati (Laina): Typoid fever = a disease of infection of the digestive tract of the alimentary canal/system which is caused by bacterium `Salmonella typhi` resulting general weakness, high fever, a rash of red spots on the chest and abdomen, chills, sweating and in serious cases of inflammation of the spleen to haemorrhage. It is transmitted through food and drinking water contaminated by the faeces or urine of patients or carriers. In most cases recovery occurs naturally but treatment with such antibiotic as ciprofloxacin or chloramphenicol reduces the severity of symptoms. Vaccination with TAB (a combined vaccine used to produce immunity against the disease typhoid, paratyphoid A and paratyphoid (B) provides temporary immunity. Paratyphoid = an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Salmonella paratyphi A,B or C. Bacteria are spread in the faeces of patients or carrier, and outbreaks occur as a results of poor sanitation or unhygienic food handling. After and incubation period of 1-10 days symptoms including diarrhoea, mild fever, and a pink rash on the chest appear and last for about a week. Treatment with chloromphamcol is effective. Vaccination with TAB (see above =) provides temporary immunity against paratyphoid A and B.

ভুর্জ পত্রা
(Bhurjja patra): Birch bark= the bark of a hardy forest- tree (I) Betula, Fam Betulaceae which includes hazel and horn- beam). It has a smoot white bark and a durable wood. The smooth bark having the durable property is used by the Indian and Meitei therapeutic practitioners in making talismands and amulets in their exorcizing and occult operation for health and therapy.
