Knowledge through Indian Languages

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

(Jakham): Injury/wound-spot/site, see `Atangba`

(Jelap): Purgative/Laxative = a drug used to stimulate or increase the frequency of bowels/intestines evaculation (also called a `cathartic`)or to encourage the passage of a softer/bulkiret stool. The common laxatives are stimulants e.g. bisacodyle (a drug that acts on the large intestine to cause reflex movement and bowel evacuation Bisacodyl is administered by mouth or a suppository. The commonest side-effect is the development of abdominal cramps. Trade name : Dulcolax), Senna (the dried fruits of certain shrubs of the genus Cassia, used as a stimulant, laxative to relieve constipation. It is administered by mouth, side-effects do not usually occur, but severe diarrhoea may follow with large doses: Trade name; Senokot) and its derivetives]; osmetic laxative [e.g. magnasium salt, lactulose (a disaccharide sugar that acts as a gentle but effective laxative, it is administered by mouth but is not absorbed or broken down, remaining intact until it reaches the colon. There it is split by bacteria into simpler sugars that help to retain water, thereby softening the stools, Trade name : Duphalac Lactiual and methylee cellulos [(compound that absorbs water and is used in bulk laxative to treat constipation, to control diarrhoea, and in patients with a colostom. It is administered by mouth and usulally has no side-effect. Trade name: Celevac], ispaghula husk (a bulking agent used to treat constipation) and other bulking agents.
