Knowledge through Indian Languages

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

(Ungba): Suffering seriously = it is the bearing/sustaining retention of infecting/infective affect(including pain, ache, etc) of a local/chronic disease or attack of disorder.

(Utangbee): Parasite = organism(plant/animal) that lives for all or a part of its life on (ectoparasite = the parisite which lives on outer/external surface of another`s body) or in (indoparasite = the parasite which lives in /within/under the surface of on inside the body of another organism) another host organism. The parasites are the most important agents and causer/causationist of deseases to/of human being.

উচেক-খোঙ হওবা/হৌবা
(Uchek-Khing Houba): Cramp = It is a painful involuntary prolonged contraction of a muscle or group of muscles or the severe abdominal pain.

উচেক-খোঙ হৌবগী লাইনা (হকচাং চীকপা)
(Uchek-Khong Houbagi Laina): Cramping = the suffering of spamodic contraction of tissue (s) involuntarily and feels severe pain which is nothing other than the tingling, painful spasm of a tissue muscle or a group of tissues/muscles. The causes of this suffering include to have level of sodium (Na) salt in the body, overexertion, reduced supply of blood and some unkown factors. The condition usually wears of fairy quickly, especially, if affected muscle is stretched. Cramp in the leg which passes away after a good rest [intermittent claudication (painfull limping or lameness)] or similarly in the heart muscle [Angina pectoris (spamodic pain in chest)] requires medical diagnosis to investigate and treat any underlaying cause.

(Ureeng): Pimple = Acne =The small site of inflammation on the skin containing pus. The piples are occurred elsewhere on the surface of the skin of body and its parts such as face, back, chest, etc. The common cause is the local infection of the blocked pores.

উরীং থুংবা
(Ureeng Thungba): Acne vulgaris = the skin disease, especially of the period of adolescence with pluggings and infections of hair follicles, especially on face, it is closely associated with propionobacterium acne (bacterium of fatty characteristic acne).

উরীং-শামু (শামু-উরীং)
(Ureeng-Shamu/Shamu Ureeng):Cystic acne = severe scne = It is inflammatory disorder of sebaceous glands having the same nature of the acne of the acne vulgaries but the pimple/rash is more painful, bigger and swelling only one at a time. It can be treated with Isotretinoin with Isotretinoin/Isotrex.

(Usharai):(I)Palsy(archaic)=Paralysis = it is the partial/total loss of capability/capacity of functioning of a muscle or a group of muscles because of the fact that the nerve(s) administering the muscle(s) cause(s) weakness of the muscles. Such palsy is generally occured to muscles under the normal voluntry control. The most important cause of paralysis of the whole body is by damage either to relevant peripheral nerve or to the areas of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). (II)Temporal lobe (psychomotor) epilepsy= it is caused by disease in the cortex of the temporal lobe or the adjacent partietal lobe of the brial. Its symptom may include/halluci naion of smell,taste, sight and hearing, paroxysmal disorders of memory and automatism.Throughout an attack the patient is in state of clouded awareness and afterwards he/she may have no recollection of the event.
