Knowledge through Indian Languages

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

(Khonjen): Voice = See `Khon`

(Khonthok): i)Syllable = A segment of a spoken word consisting of one sound or two or more sound said as a single unit of speech. ii) Tone = A vocal sound with reference to its quality and pitch or a quality or charcter of the voice expressing a particular feeling or mood. iii) The act of production\utterence of voice.

(Khonthokpham): Voice-box = Larynx = The organ responsible for the production of vocal sounds, also serving as an air passage conveying air from the pharynx to the lungs. It is situated in front of the neck, above the trachea. It is made up of a framework of nine cartilages - the epiglottis, thyroid, cricoid, arytenoid(two), corniculate (two) and cuneiform (two) - bound logether by ligaments and muscles and lined with mucous membrane. Within it are a pair of vocal folds which function in the producion of voice. Vocal folds = Vocal cords = The two folds of tissue which protruded from the side of the larynx to form a narrow slit (glottis) across the air passage. Their controlled inference with the expiratory air flow produce audible vibration to make up speech, song and all other vocal noises. Alternations in the vocal folds themselves or in their nerve supply by disease interfers with phonation. Vocal fremitus = Fremitus = Vibrations or tremors in a part of the body, detected by feeling with the fingers or hand (palpation) or by listening (auscltation). The term is most commonly applied to vibrations perceived through the chest when a patient breathes, speaks (vocal fremitus) or caughs. The nature of the fremitus gives an indication as to whether the chest is affected by disease. For example, loss of vocal fremitus suggests the presence of fluid in the pleural cavity; its increase suggest consolidation of the underlying lung.

(Khuya): Sole = The part the foot.

(Khuyam): Middle finger = The third finger from the thumb and the longest among the five digits. It is in the middle of the five and has three pieces of bones.

(Khurak): Space/Gap between fingers = It is the space between two fingers and a human hand has four such spaces.

(Khurai): Shin = The frontal bony part of lower leg extending just below the knee-joint and above the ankle-joint. It is the part of the anterior side of the shin bone (radius) covered with thin layers of tissue and skin. Shin splints The condition of the feeling of extremely sharp pain in front of the lower leg of the athlets.

(Khulai): Influenza = A highly infectious/ Contagious virus disease that attacks and affects the air passage of the throat and lungs or the respiratory system. The viruses are transmitted by coughing and sneezing. Symptom commence after the incubation period of one to four days and include headache, fever, loss of appetite, weakness of muscle, general aches of muscles and joints. shivering with chill, high temperature which may at time reach 40°C (104°F), a sore throat and a cough. This may continue for about a week. With bed rest and aspirin most patient recover but a few may go on to develop pneumonia.

খুলাই লাইফা
(Khulai Laipha): Pneumonia = The disease/ suffering from the inflammation of one or more lobes of the lungs. It may be a continual infection/ inflammation of influenza. See `Khulai` or `Lok Khulai` The most common cause of pneumonia has been becterial infection although both viral and fungal germs occur. The main bacterial organism responsible for the infections of this disease either as a continuation of/from influenza or new born inflammation are Streptococcus auteus against which appropriate antibiotic therapy must be given because either a primary viral pneumonia or secondary bacterial pneumonia may lead to death from haemorrhage (bleeding) within the lungs. The pneumonial or influenzal infection provides later protection only against the specific strain of virus concerned;the same holds true for immunization. Influenza can be quite mild but virulent strain occurs from time to time and weaken the patient to lead to susceptible to pneumonia.

(Khegatpa): Effervescene of gastric gas = The act of the release of the frottied up gastric gas from the stomach through the mouth due to indigestion of overeatings(s).
