Knowledge through Indian Languages

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

(Ayo-Phangba):Suffering = the act/state of undergoing/enduring the physical and/or mental pain or other unpleasantness, or to suffer sickness/illness or wound/injury from any cause.

অমোন চনবা
(Amon Chanba): Drowzy/Sleepy = the state/condition being in the half sleeping mood and motivation.

Aya/Mapi): Nurse/Maid = person trained for care of/for and/ or look after those who need medical care either in hospital or similar institutions or patient`s home or the infants/babies and tends the child. Head nurse = Sister = nurse incharge of ward, Special nurse = one who renders service to one patient only or specilizade in diseases of one particular class. Wet nurse or female nurse [in lactation (the production and secretion of milk by the mammary glands in a mother`s breast)] whose suckled child not her own.

(Ayurveda): = The Hindu scripture written on the science of therapeutic medicines and medical treatments of various sickness, diseases, ailments, etc.

(Ee): Blood = Vital fluid or stream of life which is pumped by the heart in the circulation all round the animal/human body to convey oxygen and other nutrients to the tissues and removed waste products (such as carbon diaxide). The blood also conveys the products of digestion to the liver and kidneys for extraction and disposal of waste products and pure nutrients, and it is the factors in blood that begin the process of healing a wound by the vitality more than the artificial measures. In composition blood is made of straw-coloured fluid called `Plasma[which itself comprises serum (clear/amber-coloured watery fluid in blood) and the blood clotting (process of coagulation congealing and drying of blood) factors in which many different types of cells are suspended. The principal among these suspended cells are Erythrocytes (red blood cells), which contain the pigment called Haemoglobin responsible for transport of oxygen and Leukocytes (white blood cells) which are the major components of the body`s defence mechanism or the Immune system. In an average adult there is about 10 pins (4.8 liters) of blood, 90% of which passes through the heart every minute when the body is at rest. Blood alcohol = level of ethanol (Ethyl alcohol = C2H5OH in the blood following its consumption. Blood bank = the form of tissue bank in which blood is stored, carefully categorized according to blood group. In many blood banks, the blood received may undergo test (especially for presence of HIV virus which causes AIDS), filtration/blending. Blood cells = cells suspended in the plasma, i.e. erythrocyte (red blood cells) and leukocyte (white blood cells). blood clot = thrombus = it is a ball of congealed blood formed by blood clotting mechanism. Normal at the site of healing but abnormal and potentially dangerous if it occurs in the blood stream of circulation system. Blood donor = somebody who donates blood. Blood group = any of several categories within the various classifications of blood. All classification systems identify the presence/absence of specific antigents adhering to erythrocytes. Blood group contains antibodies likely to reach against elements in the blood of other groups. In this way the ABO classifications system categorizes blood as of groups A (with specific antigent A), B (With specific antigent B), O (with neither antigent of A or B) and AB (with both anitigents). So blood of group A contains antibodies against anigent B, blood of B antibodies against antigent A, blood of group AB antibodies against neither antigent and blood of group O antibodies against both anitigents. Individuals with the most common blood group O, can donate blood to any other group without causing a reaction, but can themselves receive only blood of group `O` without experiencing a reaction. Blood poioning = the presence of bacteria in the blood (bacteraemia) and the resultant damage to tissues, fragments of which are then carried as blood pollutants (septicaemia ) and the resultant damage to tissues, fragments of which are then carried as blood pollutants (septicaemia) or presence of toxin emitted by bacteria (toxaemia) in the blood. All these disorders produce very similar symptoms. Blood pressure = the pressure within the arteries of the blood flowing through them. It occurs in waves corresponding to the rythmic contraction of the heart muscle as it pumps. Normal blood pressure in about 120-80. A pressure measured at considerably higher than this (at rest) is measured at considerably higher than this (at rest) is hypertension (or high blood pressure), at considerably lower (at rest) is hypotension (low blood pressure). Exertion, emotion and certain drugs strongly affect blood pressure. Blood sugar = Level of glucose in the blood. High/low levels are important diagnotic indicators to certain disorders/diseases particularly diabetes mellitus. Blood vessel = any of many tubes and ducts belonging to Cardiovascular system (entire network of blood vessels).

ঈ অশিবা
(Ee Ashiba):Blood clot = small ball/area of congealed blood which is form by clotting. See above `Ee`.

ঈ অশিবা চঙবা
(Ee Ashiba Changba):Blood clotting = process of coagulation, congealing and drying of the blood most commonly at the site of the wound as a part of healing but sometimes it is taken in special circumstances as a condition of blood. The process involve a number of chemical reactions all relaying on the pressure of specific factors on the blood and plasma and gets triggered by contact between the blood and the damaged tissue or a foreign surface. The result of the chemical reactions is the localized appearance of the enzyme throboplastin, the function of which is to convert soluble fibrinogen in the plasma to insoluble strands of collection and accumulation of other blood elements, especially the blood platelets before contracting (sqeezing out serum) and leaving a dry clot.

ঈ খকপা
(Ee Khakpa): Stopping of bleeding or stoppage of rush bleeding or haemorrhage.

(Eekheng): Darker blood or venious blood = the deoxygenated blood form which most of the oxygen has been removed by the tissues and is darker than the oxygenated arterial blood.This darker blood is carried by all the veins except the pulmonary vein which carries oxygenated brighter blood.

(Ee-Tong): Flesh and blood = bodily or human nature matrices.
