Knowledge through Indian Languages

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

(Thamaiba): Thammaiba = see `Thammaiba`.

থা মাংবা
(Mestruation): = Ritu Lakpa, see `Ritu Lakpa`.

(Thee): Excrement =Stool = Ordure = Dung = Faeces = (I) Excreta = any waste material discharged from the body especially faeces. (II) Faeces = the waste material that is eliminated through the anus. It is formed in the colon [large intestine, extending from caecum (blind gut = a 6-7 cm long separated from ileum by ileocaesa valve, it marks the beginning of large intestine) to rectum (the part of the large intestine extending from sigmoid colon to anus canal)] and consist of a solid or semisolid mass of undigested food remains (cheifly cellulos) mixed with bile pigments (which are responsible for the color), bacteria, various secretions (e.g. mucus) and some water.

থী ফায়বা
(Thee Phyba): Defecation = a bowel movement in which faeces are evacuated through the rectum and anus. The amount and composition of the food eaten determine to a large degree the bulk of the faeces, and the transit time through the intestinal tract determines the water content.

থী ফায়বা য়াদবা
(Thee Phayba Yadaba): Constipated unease = Costiveness = unability to pass faeces often enough. The constipated/ costive bowel movements are hard and may cause pain in the anus. One bowel movement (defecation or evacuation of solid waste matter from the anus) per day is normal frequency that will not render to cause the costive uneasiness.

থী ফায়বা য়াদবগী লাইনা
(Three Phayba Yadabagee Laina): Constipation = A condition in which bowel evacuations occur infrequently or in which the faces are hard and small or where the passage of faeces causes diffeculty or pain. Impaction of the faeces within the colon or rectum resulting in difficulty or infrequency in defecation. Causes range from disruption of the carcadian rhythm or lack of dietary fibre to intestinal disorders or use of cartain drugs but the normality and generality lie on the causes of worriness, diet (which does not contain enough roughage) or lack of exercise as well as more serious disease of the intestine. Constipation developing in a person of previously regular bowel habit may be a symptom of intestinal disease. Recurrent or long standing constipation is treated by increasing dietary fibre, laxative (pugerative) or enemas. Faecal impaction = the end result of chronic constipation common in senile patients, often requires manual removal of the faecal bolus under an anaesthetic.

(Theebong): = (i) Food = Substance taken in by a living organism to sustain/retain vitality/living and that taking in of substance provides it with energy and material for growth and repair of tissues or something that provides stimulation. (II) Pipe-Cavity or Elastic tube of food = the bulged/swollen elastic tube/pipe in which the food is retained/sustained to procure energy.It means the bowels/instestines and/or stomach.

(Theebong khau): Stomach = Chak-Khau, see `Chak-Khau`.

(Theebong-Theereen): Intestines/Bowels = Khoyree, see `Khoyree`

থী য়ৈখৎপা
(Thee Yeikhatpa): Costive ailment/unease or constipation = `Thee Phayba yadaba, or Thee Phaiba Yadabagee Laina`. See `Thee Phayba Yadaba and Thee Phayba-Yadabagee Laina`.
