Knowledge through Indian Languages

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

(Tinbong): = Chol/Cholic fluid/secretion = Pancreatic juice/fluid, the alkaline secretion from the pancreas set into the duodenum to acid the digestion. It is inclided sometimes in the vomited materials of the patient.

তীঙলী য়াঙলী পাফন
(Teenglee-yanglee Paphan): Nervous system = the vast network of neurones/cells specialized to carry information/messages in the parts of the body in order to bring about bodily activity. The brain and spinal cord together form the central nervous system (see below) : the remaining nervous tissue is known as the peripheral nervous system (see below) and includes the automatic nervous system (see below) which is itseft divided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. The basic functional unit of the nervous system is the neuone (nerve cells). Nerve impluse = the electrical activity in the membrane of a neurone that - by its rapid spread from one region to the next - is the means by which information/message is transmitted within the nervous system along with the axons (essential part of the nerve fibre and direct prolongation of nerve cell) of the neurones. The membrane of a resting nerve is charged (polarized) because of the different concentrations of ions inside and outside the cell. When a nerve impulse is triggered a wave depolarization (electrochemical reaction which takes place when an impulse travels along the nerve) spreads and ions flow across the membrane. Until the nerve has undergone repolariaztion (repeated depolerization into the original state of the nerve) no further nerve impulses can pass.

তীঙলী য়াঙলী
(Teenglee-Yanglee): [Central nervous system] = (CNS) = the brain and the spinal cord, as opposed to the cranial and spinal nerves and the automatic nervous system which together form the peripheral nervous system. The CNS is responsible for the integration of all nervous activities. Autonomic nervous system = The part of the peripheral nervous system responsible for the control of involuntary muscle(e.g. the heart, bladder, bowels, etc) and hence those bodily functions that are not conciously directed, including regular beating of the heart, intestinal movements, sweating, salivation, etc. The automatic nervous system is subdivided into- sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems :- Sympethetic nerves lead from the middle section of the spinal cord and parasympathetic nerves from the brain and lower spinal cord. The heart smooth muscles and most glands receive fibres of the both kinds, this interplay of sympathetic and parasympathic reflex activity (the actions are often antagonic) governs their working. For example, the parasympathetic system is responsible for showing the heart rate and constricting the pupilary muscles. Sympathetic system increases the heart rate and dilates the pupil. Sympathetic nerve endings liberate noradrenaline as neurotransmitter ; parasympathetic nerve endings release acetylcholine. Periphoral nervous system = All parts of the nervous system lying outside the central nervous system. It includes the cranial nerves and spinal nerves and their branches which link the receptor and effector organs with the brain and spinal cord.

তীঙলী য়াঙলীবা
(Teenglee-Yaangleeba): Limb stretching = The act of stretching the whole body limbs by the person himself/herself after a prolonged confinement of sitting, standing, lying, etc. to increase/enhance the nervous sensation to the body and to find the normality of feeling in functioning or activity.

(Teen): Insect = the word loosely used to denote a small invertebrate creature/animal especially one with a body as if cut/divided into sections/segments or a member of the Insecta ( a subphyllum of anthropods) sharply divided into head, thorax and abdoman with three pairs of legs attached to the thorax, usually winged in adult life, breathing air by means of trachae and commonly having a metamorphosis in life history. Worm = the word loosely applied for any elongate invertebrate lacking appendages as an earthworm or marine worm (Chaetopoda) and they can be divided into flat worm (Platyhelminthes), round worm (Nematoda), Tape worm [ribon-shaped segmented (Cestode)], etc.

(Teen-Kang): Insects = see `Teen`. Some insects are poisonous.

(Teenjen-Laichendaba): Healthiness = a physical condition of sound body and mind with good health or the state of being uninfection or unsuffering/insuffering from any disease or injury/wound/harm to the physical and mental especially the bodily case or feature of someone.

(Teenjen-Laichenba): = Unhealthiness = Oppose/negative to ` Teenjen-Laichendaba`

(Teenbu-Leipuba): Sorcery = Divination by the assistance of evil spirits or the art/use of magic, especially black art/magic that is associated with the power of evil spirits, supernatural forces, strengths, compulsions, etc. both for the distructive and/or constructive purposes but more inclined towards the evil motives, causes, effects, puposes etc. Or Exorcism = the act of adjuring Natural force by some holy name to call forth or drive away a spirit or to deliver from the influence of an evil spirit(s) by certain ceremonies. Practitioners of these arts are termed as Wizard (wizardry), Witch (witchcraft), Sorcerer and Sorceress (sorcery), exorcist (exorcism), Shaman (shamanism), etc.

(Teen): Worm = any member of several groups of soft bodied, legless animals including flat worms, nematode worms, earthworms and leeches, that are formerly thought to be closely related and classified as a single group- Vermes.
