Knowledge through Indian Languages

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

(Ngap-pa): Roughness = the condition of feeling roughness, especially in the functioning of opening and shutting the eyelids or slightly uneasiness in doing the eye function voluntarily or involuntarily.

ঙাওচৎ ফৈচৎনবা
(Ngaochat-Pheicatnaba): Frailness/Frailty = the condition/state or attitude of weakness in morality, chestity and thought or infirmed mental characteristic(s) of having unawareness in social behavioural traits and trends.

(Ngaoraba): Craziness = Madness, see Angaoba.

(Ngoari-Shariba): Frailness = see `Ngaochat-pheichatnaba`

(Ngaoshinnaba): (i) Pretending craziness = the act of making oneself to be in the craziness/madness or mentally ill person. See `Angaoba`. (II) Naughtiness = the state/characteristic of being a naughty/disobident person.

ঙৈ নীকপা
(Ngei Nikpa): Head shivering = The involuntary shaking/tottering the head as in cold due to old age.See `Nai-Neekpa`

(Ngou): Palate = The inner surface of the roof of the mouth which separates the mouth from the nasal cavity and consists of two portions - i) The Hard palate which is covering the inner frontal part of the mouth and formed by the processes of the maxillae (upper jaw and the greater portion/part of the palate) and palatine bones (Paired bones forming part of roof of mouth) and is covered by mucous membrane and ii)the soft palate lying further back of the hard palate is a movable fold of mucous membrane that tapers at the back of the mouth to form a fleshy hanging flap of tissue called the uvula.

(Ngoudong): Cataract = An eye suffering to denote to have/form any opacity or opaque area in/within the lens of the eye that results in blurred vision. Catarats may be congenital or due to metabolic disease such as diabetes (body sugar non-absorption disease due to less production of insulin), direct/indirect injury to the lens or prolonged exposure of the eye to infrared rays (e.g. glass blowers` cataract) or ionizing radiation but they are most commonly a result of age (senile cataract). A type commonly related to ageing is Nuclear sclerotic cataract which result from increasing density and yellowing of the centre of the lens. A posterior subcapsular cataract which develops at the rear surface of the lens within the lens capsule is also related to ageing but occurs in addition with prolonged use of steroids and chronic ocular inflammation. Brunescent cataract are dark brown and very dense and a cortical cataract are dark brown and very dense and a cortical is one in which the cortex has started to shrink and liquefy leaving a central shruken nucleus. Minor degrees of cataract so not necessarily impair vision seriously. Cataract is treated by removal of the affected lens; patient may wear a contact lens or appropriate spectacles to compensate for the missing lens but in modern practice a plastic intraocular lens implant is routinely placed inside the eye after surgery. Cataract extraction = Surgical removal of a cataract from the eye. In extracapsular cataract extraction the cataract alone is removed, leaving the lens capsule behind to support the remainng lens tissue. Intracapsular cataract extraction is the removal of the whole lens including the capsule that surrounds it.

(Ngouba): i) Whiteness = The colour, actually/really not colour seen through the eye by the reflections of the whole seven rays(rainbow`s colour-rays) of defferent magnitudes of hues (measured by wavelength), saturations (determined by the extent to which the colours depart from whiteness) and luminousities (measured by brightness) of a beam of light resulted as the visual sensation. ii)Frying/Baking = the act of cooking (food)/baking (cake, bread, vegetables etc.)in hot oil/fat either in a pan/ frying pan or by a deep-frying or using dry heat in an oven (to dry/harden by heat).

(Chajik): Stale meal = The meal which has past its best because it has been kept too long so as to pass a day/night.
