Knowledge through Indian Languages

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

খোম লাইথুন
(Khom Laikhum): Otorrhoea= Any discharge (may be pus, fluid, etc.) from the ear, commonly a purulent (pus like) discharge in chronic middle ear infection [Otiis media = is inflammation usually due viral/bacterial of the middle ear (the chamber lying behind the eardrum and containing three bony ossicle that conduct sound to inner ear) and this will persist in prolong way].

থোম হাবা
(Khom Haba): Gush out milk = Act of sudden flood out of milk or make the milk flood out suddenly and violently while the baby is sucking the nipple of its mother by quickly rash sucking causes by hunger or over flowing out of the milk from the duct of the mamma of the mother.

খোয়জীখাগী মিহুন হুনবা, গর্ভ পুবা/ লৈবা, নাউপুবা, মপুক কংবা, নৎত্রগা মীরোনবা
(Khoijikhagee Mihun Hunba): Pregnancy = Cyesis = It is a period during which a woman carries/has a developing fetus (baby), normally in her uterus/womb. Pregnancy (of woman) lasts for approximately 266 day from the conception until the baby is born or 280 days from the first day of the last menstrual period. During pregnancy menstruation is absent, there may be a great increase in appetite and the breast increase in size, the woman may also experience morning sickness [illness (including nausea and vomiting) experience by woman in the early stage of pregnancy when they get up in the morning]. These and other changes are brought about by a hormone [Progesterone (steriod hormone helps in regualating menstrual cycle, preparation of the womb for implanation of ovum, development of placenta and mammary gland)] produced at first by the ovary and later by placenta. Pregnancy begins with the conception, when an ovum gets fertilized by a sperm. From that tiny beginning an embryo develops within the womb, nourished through the placenta and protected within amnion. Through the succeedign months th e foetus grows until at due time the baby is born. Pregnancy can be confirmed by a pregnancy test (which detects a particular hormone in the woman`s urine) and further test (amniocentesis, after the 16th week, chirionic villus sampling or ultrasonic scanning) may be made if desired. It is important that a mother stays healthy- infections constitute a risk to the chilk- and takes only prescribed drugs (avoiding alcohol and cigarette smoking). When the changes of the external and internal physical body of the mother take place there may be backache, headache and constipation. In the later stages the baby may be felt moving around. At about the 36 week, lightening occurs a sign that labour (childbirth ) is about four weeks away. Finally contraction of the womb/uterus gives rise to the children. Extrauterine/Ectopic pregnancy = Pregnancy where the embryo develops outside the uterus usually in one of the Fallopian tubes. Multiple Pregnancy = Pregnancy where the mother is going to give birth to more than one child. Phantom Pregnancy = Pseudocyesis = Psychological condition where a woman has all the symptoms of pregnancy without being pregnant. Unwanted Pregnancy = Condition where a woman becomes pregnant without wanting a child. Pregnancy associated hypertension = High blood pressure which is associated with pregnancy. Pregnancy test - Test to see if a woman is pregnant or not.

(Khoireen): Tripe = Intestines = Gut = Bowel = The part of the alimentary canal that extends from the stomach to the anus or the length/track of the alimentary canal between the stomach and the anus in which the final stages of digestion of food take place, nutrients are absorbed and waste products are left to be propelled [by villi (sing. vllus = some of many short finger like processes which projects from the surface of some membranes) or peristylsis (the involvuntary contractions of the rings of muscles forming the outside of the intestines)] along with mucous lining for the eventual defecation. The intestine(s) is divided into two main parts- the small intestine and the large intestine. The small intestine is devided into- duodenum (the first 20-25cm. of the small intestine descending from the stomach), jejunum (the part fo the small intestine with a length of C 2.0 metres between duodenum and iliem) and ilieum (the lower and longest portion of small intestine having a lengh of C. 2.5 metres between the jejunum and the caecum or wide part of large intestine). The surface area of the inside of the small intestine is increased by the presence of finger-like projection called villi. Glands in the mucous layer of the intestien secretes digestive enzymes and mucus. The large intestine consists of the caecum, vermiform appendenix = (worm shaped small tube attatched to caecum), colon (large intestine (the part of large intestine runnig from the caecum to the between the sigmoid colon and the anus). It is largely conerned with the absorption of the water from the material passed from the small intestine. The contents of the intestines are propelled forward by means of rhythmic muscular contractions. Intestinal flora = The bacteria which are always present in the intestine. Intestinal gland or Glands of Leiberkulm= Tubular glands found in the mucous membrances of the small and the large intestines. Intestinal infection = Infection in the intestines Intestinal juice = Colourless fluid secreted by the small intestine which contains enzymes that help digestion. Intestinal obstruction = Blocking of the intestines. Intestinal wall = Layers fo tissue which form the intestine.

(Khoiree): This term bears two meanings as given below- i) Intestines = The part of the alimentary canal as shown above as the corrupt word of `Khoyreen` ii)Naval cord = Umbilical cord = It is a twisted, flexible, tubular attachment between the fetus in the uterus/womb and the placenta lodged on the uterine lining. It is a stand of tissue and contains two arteries that carry blood to the placenta and one vein that returns it to the fetus. It also contains remnants of the allantois (one of the membrane in the embryo shaped like a sac) and yolk sac (vitelline sac = sac attached to the embryo) and becomes the ensheathed by the amnion [thin sac (containing the amniotic fluid] which covers an unborn baby in the womb.

খোয়রী লীনশাং
(Khoiree Linshang):Intestines/bowels/gut : See `Khoyreen`

(Khoy): Navel = Umbilicus = Scar with a depression in the middle of the abdomen where umbilical cord was dettached after birth. It is also called `Omphalus` medically.

(Khoydou): Navel = See `Khoy`

খোয়দৌ চাফাৎপা
(Khoydou Chaphatpa): Omphalitis= The suffering from the inflammation of the navel, especially in newborn infant.

খোয় তোঙবা
(Khoy Tonga): Omphalocete Umbilical = hernia = Exomphalos = is the protrusion of abdominal organ into the umbilical cord due to a fault in the embryonic development. It is present at birth and can be treated surgically.
