Knowledge through Indian Languages

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

য়ারী য়াখোঙ চাফাৎপা
(Yaree-Yakhong Chaphatpa) :- Ulcrative gingivitis :- acute painful gingivitis with ulceration, in which the tissue of the gums are rapidly destroyed. Occuring mainly in debilitated patients, it is associated with anaerobic micro organism and accompanied by an unpleasant order. Treatment is with melronidazole and a careful and thorough regime of oral hygiene supplemented with oxydizing mouth washes. In the pa-ulcerative gingivitis has been called Vincent`s angina in its servere farm known as noma.

(Yarak) : Interspace of teeth :- The space/gap between two teeth. There are 30 such space in a mouth of adult having 15 each in the two jaws.

(Yaren-Khongjee) : Teeth = see `Ya`

(Yaheedak) : i) Dental drug :- A blackish brown powder substance prepared natively to cleanse teeth by using it in brushing - ii) a reddish black solution of film forming substance, the juice of Yachubee plant ( osbeckia clunensis, fam. Mulastonaceae) in the volatine solvent, the othy alcohol [Ehanol (C2 H50], which is used to cover the surface of teeth as if a coloration and protective lining against the calculus/tartar of the teeth.

(Yu) : Alcohol : any of the class of organic compounds formed when hydroxyl group (-OH) is substituted for a hydrogen atom in a hydrocarbon. The alcohol in alcoholic drinks is ethyl alcohol (ethynol) which has the formula C2 H5 OH. It is produced by fermentation of sugar by yeast `Pure` alcohol contains not less than 94.9% by volume of ethyl alcohol. It is obtained by distillation. A solution of 70% alcohol can be used as a preservative or antiseptic. When taken into the body ethyl alcohol depresses activity of the central nervous system. Methyl alcohol (Methanol) is extremely poisonous.

য়ুদা লাইচুবা
(Yuda Laichuba) : Alcohol addiction :- A state/condition of being mentally and physically dependent on drinking alcohol. See ` Yurai Chuba`.

(Yung) : Urine :- The fluid excreted by kidneys, conveyed via the uterus to bladder and stored there untill discharged through urethra. Composed mainly of mater. It also contains uric acid, urea and uric salt, with traces of other substances. Biochemical examination of a patient`s urine for unusual constituents (hormones, blood, proteins or sugar for example) remain a very useful method for diagnosis. See `Hakkee Eeshing` also.

য়ুং হানবা
(Yung hanba) : Urination or Micturition :- The periodic discharge of urine from the bladder through the urethra. It is initiated with by voluntary reflexion of the sphincter muscle below the bladder and maintained by reflex constriction of the muscle of the bladder wall.

(Yungkon) : Kidney :- Either of the pair of organs responsible for the excretion of nitrogenous wastes, principally urea, from the blood. The kidneys are situated at the back of the abdomen, below the diaphragm, one in each side of the spine, they are supplied with blood by the renal arteries. Each kidney is enclosed in a fibrous capsule and is composed of an outer cortex and an inner medulla. The active units of the kidney are vephrons within the cortex and medulla, which filter the blood under pressure and then reabsorb water and selected substance back into, the blood. The urine thus formed is conducted from the nephrons via the renal tubules into the renal pelvis end from here to the ureter which leads to the bladder. ii) Either of the two large glandular organs that are fundamental to the balance and purification of water in the body. The kidneys are located at the back of the abdomen at about waist level, on top them lie the adrenal glands blood having impurities flows into the kidneys from the renal arteries; it is processed by the tiny filtering units (nephorons) in the cortex and the medulla of each organ. Useful products are returned to the blood for reabsorption ; waste fluids are collected in the renal tubules and ducted to the renal pelvis, a central reservoir from which the water conveys the fluids (as urine ) to the bladder for eventual passing through the urethra.

য়ুংখাক নাবা
(Yungkhak Naba) : Strangury :- The condition of severe pain in the urethra referred from the base of the bladder and associated with an intense desire to pass urine. It occurs when the base of the bladder is irritated by stone or an indwelling catheter. It is also noted in patients with an invasive cancer of the base of the bladder or severe cystitis (inflammation of urinary bladder) or prostatitis (inflammation of prostrate gland or the glands of the organ that surrounds the inner end of male urethra) when the strong desire to urinate is accompanied by the painful passage of a few drops of urine.
