Knowledge through Indian Languages

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

হাক্কজবা খোৎপা
(Hakkajaba Khotpa) : Scratching = the act of scratching the itch(es) or to itch the irritated area of itching/inflammation.

(Hakthi) : Sneezing = the sudden involuntary expulsion of air or reflex action to blow out air through the nose and mouth with/without mucus (or watery matter) because of irritation in the nostril or nasal passage usually following local irritation by dust or rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane). Sneezing fit = a sudden attack when a patient sneeze many times or often. A sneeze send out a spray of droplets of liquid, which it infectious can then infect anyone who happens to inhale them.

হাকথি খনবা
(Hakthi Khanba) : Sneeze = the act of sneezing. See `Hakthi`.

(Hakam) : Yawning = see `Hakam`.

(Hajam) : Digestive drug = the substance or medical preparation which has the property to stimulate the digestion and/or encourages the digestive organs/system to act their proper function(s).

(Hathaba): (i) Bleeding = see `Ee-Hathaba` (2) Haemorrhage = see `Eethong-Kayba`.

(Hamba) : Washing = the act cleansing, wetting or coating with water such as washing hands, feet etc.

(Ham-ba) : Nonexistance = the state being nonexisting of life leaving the body of organism.

(Hamei) : Rice-malt = a small saucer-shaped or round/circular cake made with rice powder and juice or crushed fibre of a creeper called Yanglee (prossesses intoxicating substance/ matter in the fluid/juice of stem) steeped in water, allowed to sprout and dried in a kiln/oven, used in the brewing liquors and beers.

(Hara): Asthma = (I) any of the various respiratory diseases involving attacks of dyspnosa (laboured or difficult breathing) -(2) a respiratory disorder in which breathlessness and wheezing occur caused by excessive constriction of the muscles in the walls of air passage - (3) Suffering from/of narrowing of the bronchial tube where the muscle go into spasm and the patient has difficulty in breathing. (4) the condition of subjects with widespread narrowing the bronchial airways which changes in severity over short period of time (either spontaneously or under treatment) and leads to cough, wheezing, and difficulty in breathing. There are three types of asthma, as (a) Bronchial asthma = may be precipitated by exposure to one or more of a wide rage of stimuli, including allegens, drugs [such as aspirin and other NSAIDs (Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory drugs) and beta blockers), exertion, emotion infection and air pollution. The onset of asthma usually early in life and in atopic subjects (hereditary and constitutional lendencies in to develop hyposensitivity reactions) may be accompanied by other manifestations of hypersensitivity, such as hay fever and dermatitis, however the onset may be delayed into adulthood or even middle or old age treatment with bronchodilators with or without corticosteroids usually administered via aerosal or drypower inhalers, or - if the condition is more severe - via a nebulizer. Oral corticosteroid are reserved for those patients who fail to respond adequately to these measures, severe asthmatic attacks may need large doses of oral carticosteroids. Selection of treatment for individual cases is made using stepped guidelines, issued by respiratory organizations, e.g. the British and American Thoracic Society. Avoidence of known allergens especially araising from domestic pets and food additives will help to reduce the frequency of attacks as will the discourgement of smoking. (b) Cardiac asthma = occurs in left ventricle heart failure and must be distinguished from the bronchial asthma, as treatments is quite different. (c) Catarrhal asthama = the type of the asthma caused by the inflammation of the mucous membranes in the nose and throat, creating excessive amount of mucus.
