Knowledge through Indian Languages

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

(Hambru) : Scab = a hard crust of dried blood serum or pus that develops during the body`s wound-healing process over a sore,cut or scartch.

(Hambru- Kaba) : Keloid = an over -growth of fibrous scar tissue following trauma injury (wound) to the skin. It does not resolve spontaneously but may be flattened by application of pressure or with injection of potent corticosteriods. Keloid formation is particularly common at certain sites, such as the breatstone and ear lobe; surgical excision of being (non malignant) lesions from such site is therefore best avoided.

(Hawa) : Air = the invisible , odourless, tasteless mixture of gases that forms the atmosphere, surrounding the Earth, consisting of 80% of Nitrogen(N), 19.5% of oxygen(O) and 0.5% of other gases in traces.

হৱা ওনবা
(Hawa-Onba) : Change of atmospheric air the of changing the atmospheric air and ecological /environmental condition by sojourning to another distance / far place, travelling over from his native locality or permanent home area or the act of the change of weather / climate for therapeutic purpose.

হৱা চাবা
(Hawa-Chaba) : Walking = the act of outing / journey on foot, especially for exercise by going in the open air where fresh air is found.

হৱা নুংশিৎ
(Hawa- Nungshit) :Weather = the atmospheric condition in any area / place at any time with regard to sun, cloud, temperature, wind and rain.2)Climate = the average weather conditions of a particular region of the world over a long period of time.

(Haying) :Fly = the dipterous insect having the membranous forewing, hind wing reduced to form hatter specially the housefly (Musca domestica, Fam.Muscidae)which is a cosmopolitan household pest, 10 to 12mm long, blackish colour with transparent wings. It is the carrier of various diseases including dysentery and diarrhoea.

হয়িং কোংয়াম্বী
(Haying Kongyambee) : 1) Gnat = any small fly of family of culicidae, of which the female is blood sucker, -2) Midge = a small gnat- fly, espicially of chironemidae. 3)Sandfly = a small biting midge(Sumulium,fan.ch. Or a small moth-like midge (Phlebotomus,fam.ch.that transmits Sandfly fever, a fever due to viral infection-[it is transmited by the bite of the Sandfly (Phlebotomus papatasii.Sandfly fever occurs principally in countries surrounding the Persain Gulf and the tropical Mediterranean, it occurs during the warmer months, does not last long and is never fetal.Symptoms resemble those of influenza(Khullai). The is no specific treatment apart form aspiring and codeine to relieve the symptoms.

হয়িং মথী
(Haying Mathee) :Lentigo or Lantegines = a flat dark brown spot found mainly in the elderly on the skin exposed to light.Lengligines have increased number of melanocyles in the basal layer of the epidermis(Fleckles by contrast do not show any increase in these cells). In Lentigo maligna or Hutchinson`s lentigo which occurs on the cheeks of the elderly women, the spot is larger than 2cm in diameter and has variable pigmentation;it is an early malignant melanoma which has not spread deeply. Melanoma= a highly malignant lumour of melanin.Forming cells, the melanocyles.Such tumour usually occur in the skin (excessive exposure to sunlight is a contributory factor) but are also found in the eye and the mucous membrane. They may contain melanin or be free of pigment (ametanotic melanomas).Spread of cancer to other parts of the body espicially to the lymph nodes and liver, is common.In these cases melanin or its precursors(melanogens) may be excreted in the urine and the whole of the skin may be deeply pigmented. The prognosis is inversely related to the thickness of the tumour;almost all patients with tumours less than 0.79% mm survive following surgical incision.

[Hakkajaba] : 1) Itch = an upleasant or ticklish irritation on the surface of the skin which makes one want to scratch are a skin. Disease / condition causes a constant unpleasant irritation, especially like scabies, 2) Itchness = itch, 3) Itching or pruritus = irritation of the nerve endings under the skin. Causes are many and mostly minor but include various skin disorders, liver disorder and stress (any factor that threatens the health of the body or has an adverse effect on its functioning such as injury, disease, or worry. The existance of one form of stress tends to diminish resistence to other forms. Constant stress brings about changes in the balance of harmones in the body). Many local infections with/without a rash cause itching. Any irritated place on the skin which makes a person to scratch is relieved after scratching. The itch or scabies, the infection is caused by mites, producing violent irritation. Mite = a free living or parasite arthropod belonging to a group (Acarinal) that also includes, the ticks (see under). Most mites are small averaging 1 mm or less in length. A mite has no antemae/wing, and its body has no divided into distince head thorax and abdomen. Medically important mites include the many species causing dermatitis e.g. Dermatophagoides) and the harvest mite wich transmits serub typhus - Tick = a blood sucking parasite belonging to arthropods (Acarina). Tick bites can cause serious skin diseases, lesions and occasionally parlysis and certain tick species the transmit typhus, Lyme disease and relapsing fever Dimethyl phthalate is used as tick repellent. There are two families: Argasidae (soft tick) which includes Ornithodors with mouthpart invisible form above and no hard shied (seutum) on the dorsal surface; and - ixodidae (hard tick) including Dermacentor, Haemaphysalis and Rhipicephalus with clearly visible mouth parts and a definete scutum. Harvest mite = tiny parasite whcih enters the skin near a hair follicle and travels under the skin causing intense irriation and dermatitis (inflammation of the skin). They feeds on cellular debris.
