Knowledge through Indian Languages

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

হকচং শাজেন
(Hakchang Shajen) : Exercise = see `Shajen`

(Hakchang Shengdokpa) : (1) Urination = see `Eeshing Chatpa` (2) Defecation = see `Thee Phayba`.

হকচাংগী অঈং অশা
(Hakchanggee Aeeing Asha) : Body temperature = the temperature of the body as measured by a thermometer. Body temperature is accurately controlled by a small area at the base of the brain (the hypothalamus) :in normal individuals it is maintained at about 37c (98 4 F). Heat produced by the body arises as the result of vital activities (e.g respiration, heart-beat,circulation, secretion) and from the muscular effort of excercise and shivering. A rise in body temperature occurs in fever. Thermometer = a device for registering temperature. A clinical thermometer consists of a sealed narrow - bore glass tube with a bulb at one end. It contains mercury which expands when heated and rises up the tube. The tube is calibrated in degrees and is designed to register temperature between 35ºc (95ºF) and A3.5º c (110º F) An oral thermometer is place in the mouth, a rectal thermometer is inserted into the rectum.

(Hakshen) : Health care = the act/process of caring for health or taking care and caution for health not using healthful diets and deeds and avoiding unhealthful food and drink, health injurious intoxicants and objects as well as leaving acts and activities which may injurious to health by oneself or taking up medical cares for causing to heal or cure ill/diseased person(s) or patients by health care-takers. Health is catergorized into the followings:- (I) Primary care = health care provided by general practitioners (doctors working in the communities to provide health service to different local areas) or other health professionals to whom patients speakling medical treatment have direct access and to whom they can usually self-refer.As well as GP service primary care service preovided by NHS(National Health Service) include the general dental and ophthalmic (concerned with eye) services together with NHS walk-in centres and other community services outside the hospital service. 2) Secondary care = health care provided by medical specialists or hospital staff members for a patient whose primary care was provided by the general practitioner who first diagnosed or treated the patient. Secondary care cannot be accessed directly by patients, for example, a general practitioner who accepts a patient with an unusual skin condition may refer the patient to a dermatologist, who then becomes the source of secondary care. 3) Tertiary care = the services provided by specialized hospitals equepped with diagnostic and treatment facilities not available at general hospitals or by docters who are uniquely qualified to treat unusual disorders that do not respond to therapy that is available at secondary care centers.

হকশেন কাংলোন
(Hakshen kanglon) : Health reader = a book on health containing short texts use for learning to read and for learning health education, health promotion, health service planning, etc. Health Education = persuasive methods used to encourage people (either individually or collectively) to adopt lifestyle that the educators believe well improve health and to reject habits regarded as harmful to health or likely to shorten life expectancy. This term also use in broader sence to include instruction about bodily function, etc.So that the public is better informed about health issues. All children receive health education at school. Health Promotion = a programme of surveillance planned on a community basis to maintain the best possible health and quality of all the members of the commnity, both collectively and individually. Programmes include a blend of such personal services as health education, immunization and screening tests with environmental monitering of the atmosphere, housing and water and food supplies as well as occupational hazards. 3) Health Service Planning = balancing the needs of a community, assessed by such idices as mortality, morbidily and disablility, with the resources available to meet these needs in terms of medical manpower (ensuring the members in training grades meet but do not exceed future requirement for career grades) and technical resources, such as hospitals (capital planning), equipments and medicines.

(Hakam) : Yaion = Involuntary action that is involving opening the mouth wide (atmost away after taking a deep breath), holding the breath briefly while depressurizing the Eustachian tubes (auditory tubes exending from middle ear to pharynx) and gradually but forcefully exhaling.What this sequence achieves or intended to achieve, is not fully understood but it is often associated with fatigue bordom, particularly after prolonged inactivity. Some authorities describe it as a reflex action.

(Hang) : Joint = the point at which two or more bones are connected. The opposing surfaces of the two bones are lined with cartilaginous, fibrous or soft (synovial) tissue. The three main classes of join are - Diarthrosis(freely movable), Amphiarthrosis (slightly movable) and Synarthrosis (immovable). Articulatory(synovial or immovable) joints may be hinge joints which allow movement in one plane only (as at the knee), rotating slightly(movable) joints which allow a turning movement of a limb(as with the forearm at wrist) or ball- and- socket(movable) joints which allow a wide range of movements (as at the shoulder). Ball- and- Socket joint = joint where the rounded end of a long bone fits into a socket of another bone. Fibrous Joint = joint where two bones are fixed together by fibrous tissue so that they can move only slightly. Hinge joint = joint (like the knee)which allows the two bones to move in one plan only. Hip joints = place where hip is joined the upper leg. Locking joints = joints (such as the knee or the elbow) which can be locked in an extended position. Pivot joint = joint where a bone can rotate easily. Primary Cartilage joint = temporary joint where the intervening cartilage is converted into adult bone. Secondary Cartilage joints = joints where the surface of two bones are connected with a piece of cartilage so that they cannot move (such as the public symphysis). Synovial Joint = joint where the two bones are seperated by a space filled with synovial fluid which nourishes and lubricates the surface of the bones. Trochoid Joint = Pivot joint. Wrist Joint = place where the wrist joins the arm. Joint mice = loose piece of bone or cartilage in the knee joint making the joint lock. Joint capsule = fibrous tissue which surrounds and holds a joint together.

হঙ্গৎ হন্দা লেঙবা
(Hanggat Handa Lengba) : Movement = to move or swing / wave to and fro.

(Hangoiba) : Unpleasantness = the state or quality of being unpleasant.

(Han) : Maggot = a worm like larva[pl.larvae] of various files, especially, that of the housefly.
