Knowledge through Indian Languages

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

(Lai-yei) : Apoplexy = Stroke = it is the suffering of sudden loss of consciousness caused by the sudden or immediate accidental disruption in the blood flow around the part of the brain caused either by blood clot (thrombus) in an artery supplying the brain (occurring there or carried there by the circulation from elsewhere) or by bursting of a blood vessel anywhere in the brain. As it were the sudden attack of weakness affecting on side of the body as the consequence of interruption to the flow of blood to the brain it can be observed as- An ischaemic stroke occurs when the flow of the blood is prevented by clothing [Thrombosis = formation of blood clot within heart or blood vessel(s)] or by a detached cloth either from the heat or a large blood vessel (such as the carotid artery) that lodged in an artery. A haemorrhagic stroke result from the rupture an artery wall. Prolonged reduction of blood pressure may result in more diffused brain damages as after a cardiorespiratory arrest. A stroke can vary in severity from a passing weakness or tingling in the limb to a profound paralysis, coma and death.

লাইয়ৈ চৎপা
(Laiyei-Chatpa) : Abortion = the expulsion or removal of an embryo / fetus from the uterus at a stage of pregnancy when it is incapable of independent survival (i.e, at any time between conception and the 24th week of pregnency), (2) the situation where an unborn baby leaves the womb before the end of pregnancy especially during the first 28 weeks when it is not likely to survive birth. In threaten abortion there may be abdominal pain and bleeding, from the uterus but the fetus is still alive; once fetus is dead abortion becomes inevitable. Abortion incomplete so long as the uterus still contains some of the fetus or its membrane. Abortion may spontaneous or it may be induce for medical or social reasons (termination of pregnancy). Habitual/recurrent abortion is the occurrence of three consecutive pregnancy losses before 20 weeks` gestation, with fetuses weighing under 500 grams. The presence of a uterine abnormality, such as bicornuate uterus (double uterus or uterus having two horns) or cervical (pertaining to the neck), incompetence, may account for 10-15% of recurrent abortions. To have an abortion (Angang Louthokpa) = condition of having an operation to make a fetus leaves the womb during the first period of pregnancy. Complete abortion = abortion where the whole contains of the uterus are expelled. Incomplete abortion = abortion where part of the contents of the uterus is not expelled. Habitual / recurrent abortion (Angang-Kaithaba) = condition where a women has several abortions with successive pregnancies. Criminal / illegal abortion (Angang-Yeithaba) = abortion which is carried out illegally / unlawfully. Spontaneous abortion = miscarriage= the abortion where the expulsion of a fetus from the womb before the completion of the 28th week of the pregnancy. Induced abortion = abortion which is produced by drugs or by surgery. Legal abortion (Anagang Louthokhanba) = abortion which is carried out legally. Methods in current use include the adminstration of drugs e.g. mifepristone (a drug taken by mouth to act by blocking the action of progestrone and action follows after 36 hours) with / without the addition of prostaglandins. The surgical method of termination of pregnancy. Termination carries little risk early in pregnancy but complications are more likely occur after the 13th week of pregnancy. Angang Shemdokpa = 1) Forced abortion = Criminal abortion. 2) Threatened abortion = see above, and possible abortion in the early stage of pregnancy, indicated by bleeding.

লাইয়ৈ য়ৈবা
(Laiyei - Yeiba) : Suffering from / of stroke/ Apoplexy = see. `Laiyei`.

(Langtaknaba) : Anxiety = the state / condition of mind or mood in the strong feeling of fear or distress or in the state worried, nervous and / or fearful mind.

(Langpham) : Critical junction = moment / period or situation / circumstance /juncture which is the threatening the life or the condition which may lead to misfortune or loss of life. 2. evil administering / presiding period of life.

(Likkon) : Cowrie (cowry) = a mollusc of a large genus cyprea [Cyprea moneta, Fam. Cypracidae) of Gasteropods the shell of which are used in certain primitive societies as money and magical object. 2) a shell of the mollusc / cowrie.

(Lin) : Snake or serpent = see`Laishang`.

(Lin -gam) : Ascites = Phugam, see `Phugam`.

(Lin-gam-Laigam) : Ascites = `Phugam`, see Phugam.

লিনগী হু
