Knowledge through Indian Languages

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

(Mitpa): Eyelash = one of the long stiff hairs that form a row projecting outwards from the front edge of the upper and lower eyelids. The eyelashes help to keep dust just away from the eye.

(Mitpan): Eyelid or Blepharon or Palpebra = piece of skin which covers the eye. The protective covering of the eye i.e eyelid has two parts, consisting of skin, muscle and connective tissue. Each eyelid is lined with membrane called conjuctiva and fringed with the eyelashes. The stimulation to the receptors in the cornea causes the eyelids to close in a reflex action.

(Mitlee): Ocular tendon = the tough while fibrous cord makes up of tissue, that connects the muscle and bones concerning to the eye. The tendons are thought by the Meitie native physiologists and therapists as line of artery, vein or nerve.

(Mitshang): Rheum = a pasty mucus of brownish yellow colour secreted from the mucous membrane of the. It is harmless but may be taken as a signal/symptom of ensuring or persisting an eye disorder.

(Mihun): Pulse = a series of pressure waves within an artery caused by contractions of the left ventricle of the heart and corresponding with the heart rate (the number of times the heart beats per minute). It is easily detected on such superficial arteries as the radial artery near the wrist and the carotid artery in the neck. The average adult pulse rate at rest is 60-80 per minute but exercise, injury, illness and emotion may produce much faster or slower rate. The pumping beat of the blood circulation as the heart pumped out its contained blood in the left ventricle which is measured in an artery or vein. It varies according to age, overall health, exertion and the condition of the heart. The usual location for detecting pulse is at the radial artery, just above the wrist. Even though there are many location in the body, another useful location is at the temporal artery in the front of the ear.

মিহুন কাংলোন
(Mihun Kanglon): Scince of Pulse = it deals in the locations of pulse and pulsation of different pulses of various diseases, inabilitis, disorders etc. of varied parts of the human body and it also deals with the different ways of feeling pulse, detection etc. of pulses and diagnosis and diagonotic means of identification of the diseases through the study of the pulse, pulsation and feeling the pulse.

মিহুন চেনখৎপা
(Mihun Chenkhatpa): Faster pulsation = it is the condition of faster or abnormally faster rate of the pulsation causes by the increase of the heart rate (the number of heartbeats which is at the rate of 60-80 perminute for an adult man at rest) due to some disorders in the heart or in the mental faculty producing a serious emotional feeling. The abnormal condition of emotional strains and tensions are generally bring forth with/by alarm, alarming/alarmed surprise, astonishment, terrors, fearfulness, threat, thrill, etc.

মিহুন থৌথবা
(Mihul Thoudaba): Normalization of pulsation = the act/treatment for normalization or bringing into the condition of the pulsation from the faster or slower rate causes by some physical or mental disorders.

মিহুন ফাথবা/ফাদবা
(Mihun Phathaba/Phadhaba): Normalization of pulsation = see `Mihun Thouthaba`.

মিহুন য়েংবা
(Mihul Yengba): (I) Feeling pulse = the act of feeling the pulse of a patient. (II) Palpation = the process of examining part of the body by careful feeling with the hands and fingerprints. Using palpation it is possible in many cases, to distinguish between swellings that are solid and those that are cystic. Palpation is also used to discover the presence of fetus in the uterus. Breast palpation = feeling a breast to see if a lump is present which might indicate breast cancer. Digital palpation = pressing part of the body with the fingers.
