Knowledge through Indian Languages

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

(May): (I) Face = the frontal part of the head, from the forehead to the chin, where the eyes, eyebrows, the nose, mouth, cheeks and chin are placed. The face is consisted of fourteen bones and they are :- 2(two) maxillae (jaw bones) forming the upper jaw. 2 (two) nasal (nose) bones forming the top part of the nose 2 (two) (lacrimal tear) bones on insides of the orbit near the nose. 2 (two) zygomatic or molar (cheek) bones forming the sides of the cheeks. 2 (two) palatine (palate) bones forming the back part of the top of the mouth. 2 (two) (nasal conchae or lurbinate/ear) bones which form the side of the nasal cavity. 1 (one) mandible (lower jaw) bone and 1 (one) vomer in the centre of the nasal septum.

(May-Thong): Face = May, see, `May`.

(May-Hing): Freckle = a small brown spot on the skin commonly found or exposed area of red hair or blond people. Freckles, which are harmless, appear where there is excessive production of the pigment melanin without any increase in numbers of melanocytes (cells of melanin) after exposure to sunlight.

(Mayyoknabee): Assistant midwife; Naushoobee, see `Naushoobee`.

(Mayyok-Wa): Face/Facial Charm = a spell of witchcraft/wizardry for facing someone desired to meet so as to attract and charm him/her to bring under the control or subduing of the user.

(Maya): (I) Magic = the assumed/supposed art or practice of using powers or forces of supernatural potentialities spels, etc. especially on hellenic/devillish/satanic one to affect people objects and events or - the art of performing illusions and conjuring tricks or- a secret or mysterious power over the imagination or will. 2) Illusion = a deceptive / false or misleading appearence or impression / belief.

(Mi): Lymph glands = Lymph nodes = 1) some of a number of small swellings found at the intervals along the lymphatic system. Groups of nodes are found in many parts of the body, for example, in the groin and armpit and behind the ear. They are composed of lymphoid tissue and acts as filters for the lymph, preventing foreign particles from entering the blood stream; they also produce lymphocytes, or in other words. Collections of lymphoid tissue situated in various points of lymphatic system (especially under the armpit and in the groin) through which lymph (colourless liquid containing white blood cells which circulates in the lymphatic system from all body tissue carrying waste material/matter away from tissues to the veins) passes and in which lymphocytes are produced. [The lymph is formed of water, protein and white blood cells (lymphocytes). Waste matter such as infection in the lymph is filtered out and destroyed as it passed through the lymph nodes/glands which then add further lymphocytes to lymph before it continues in the system]. (2) Image = (I) Likeness of a person/thing, especially a portrait, statue, photograph, etc. (II) an optical reproduction of a physical object, (III) a reproduction of an object formed by sound waves or electomagnetic radiation, eg. an ultrasound scan or X-ray photograph. (3) Shadow = a dark shape cast on a surface when an object stands between the surface and the source of light or an area darkened by blocking out of the light.

(Mi Kaba): (I) Adenities = inflammation of a gland or group of glands or gland like structures and felt pain at the area/site of the inflammed gland or the group of the gland, for example -mesentric adenitis, affects the lymph nodes (formerly called lymph glands) in the membranous support of the intestine (the mesentery), Cervical adenitis, affects the lymph nodes in the neck. (2) Grandual fever = an infectious disease, caused by the Epstei-Barr virus [(EB virus = EBV)] = the virus belonging to the herpesvirus group] that affects the lymph nodes in the neck, armpit, groin etc. it mainly affects adolescents and young adults. After an incubation period of 5-7 days symptoms commence with swelling and lenderness of the lymph nodes; fever headache a sore throat, lethargy and loss of appetite. In such cases the liver is affected, causing hepatitis, or the spleen enlarged, Glandular fever is diagonised by the presence of large number of monocytes in blood. Complications are rare but symptoms may persist for weeks before recovery. Medical name is infectious mononuleosis.

(Mitrang): Magic = Maya, see `Maya`.

(Mit): Eye the organ of sight or the part of the body with which a person sees. It is a three layered roughly spherical structure for receiving and responding to light. The outer fibrous coat consists of the sclera and the transparent cornea: the middle vascular layer comprises the choroid, ciliary body and iris, and the inner sensory layer is the retina. Light enters the eye through the cornea, which refracts the light through the aqueous humur onto the lens. By adjustment of the shape of the lens light is focused through the vitreous humur onto the retina. In the retina light sensitive cells [cone (one of the two types of light sensitive cells in the retina. The human retina contains 6-7 million cones which functions best in bright light and are essential for acute vision or receiving a sharp accurate image cones can also distinguish colours. It is thought that there are three types of cone, each sensitive to the wavelenght of different primary colours - red, green or blue. Other colours are seen as combinations of these three primary colours) and rod ( one of the two types of light sensitive cells in the retina. The human eye contains about 125 million rods which are necessary for seeing in dim light. They contains a pigment rhodopsin or visual purple which is broken down or bleached in the light and regenerated the dark. Breakdown of the visual purple give rise to nerve impulses. when all th pigments is bleached that is in the bright light the rods no longer function). send nerve impulses to the brain via the optive nerve. The arrangement of the two eyes at the front of the head provides Binocular vision. Each eye is contained on an orbit and movement of the eye within the orbit is controlled by extrinsic eye muscle.
