Knowledge through Indian Languages

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

মহু হাৎপা
(Mahoo Hatpa): Neutralization of poison = the act of cencellation of the damageable property or damageability of poison by means of using positive or negative property which has the neutrality/treactory, to the concerned poisons as the acid and alkali reacts or in alike manner.;

(Mayang): Backbone= spine = Yang, see `Yang`.

ময়াঙ কোনবা
(Mayang Konba): Hunchback = Humped back = Manam Ponba, see `Manam Ponba`.

(Mayanglen): Backbone = Yang, see `Yang`.

(Maya): Teeth/tooth = Ya, see `Ya`.

ময়া শিনবা
(Maya): Shinba): Teething = the act/condition of starting to erupt the milk teeth of a baby and the baby is irritable. Then in a short period the milk teeth are erupted away and the permanent teeth begin to grow to replace the milk teeth.

ময়া হৌবা
(Maya Houba): Outgrowth of teeth = the act of growing out of the milk teeth of a baby/infant. Some babies have the incident prior to their birth but mostly and commonly the incident is met by the baby after their birth within 4-8 months after their birthday.

(Ma): Bug/Bed-bug = the term `bug`is loosely applied to certain insects especially of the Hemptera (Heteroptera) but it appoints/points to the one known under the general name of bed-bug. Bed-bug = a blood sucking insect of the genus cimex of the family of comicidae. C.hemipterus and C.rolundatus of the tropics and C.lectularius of temperate regions have a reddish flattened bodies and the second one is wingless while the other two have vestigial wings. They live and lay their egg in the crevices of walls, furnitures and bedding mattresses, pillows, etc. and emerge at night to suck blood. Although bed bugs are not known vectors of disease their bites leave a route for bacterial infection. Premises can be disinfected with appropriate insecticides.

(Maiba): = Therapist = the Meitei native physician/therapist or the rapeutic practitioner of composite traits and trend of therapy by taking up exorcism, medicine and massaging treatment in mixed up measures. They may be comparable to the shamon (priest-doctor) of North Asia. see `Ametpa`.

(Maibee): Female therapist, see `Maiba` and `Ametpa`.
