Knowledge through Indian Languages

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

মনম পোনবা
(Manam-Ponba): Hunchback = Humped back = common name of somebody who suffers from severe and irreparable kyphosis (outward carvature of the spine) as a result of congenital abnormality or now rarely following spinal tuberculosis.

(Mamu): Sting = an organ of insects piercing in the skin which passes a toxic substance into the bloodstream. Stings of some insects such as the tsetse fly (an American fly that feeds on human and animal blood) can transmit a bacterial infection to a patient as it were done by mosquitos (Anopheles) to transmit the species of plasmudium vivax, P . ovale, P. falciparum or P. malariae,. Other insects such as bees, have toxic substances which they pass into the blood stream of the victim causing irritating swellings. some people are particularly allergic to insect stings.

(Moon/Mamoon): Pubic hair or pubis = Hair appearing at puberty surrounding the genitals on pubis.

(Mamu): a defensive puncturing organ that is found in certain animals and plants, which can inject pois.

(Mamu): Sting = (I) a defensive puncturing organ that is found in certain animals and plants which can inject poison or venom

মমুনা থিনবা
(Mamuna Thinba): stinging = the act of piercing/thrusting with the sting of animals especially insects Naushek (Belostoma indica, fam, belostomalidae), Khoi-bi-ningthou [Hornet (Vespa vulgaris, V. crabo & V. cinictus, fam. Vespidae)] and injecting its /their poisons/venoms in the blood stream. or the act of pricking/piercing with the stings/thorn of plants and penetrate/imbed in skin/muscle.

মমুনা য়ূবা
(Mamuna Yuba):Stinging : se `Mamuna Thinba`.

(Manam): Odour = Smell = scent = a sensation/sense exited by the mucous/perceived or perceptible/excitable sensory membrane /or nerve cells (neurons) in the inner wall of the nose. Ordour is a specific smell produced by a body/ substance from its normal activity.

মনম মহা
(Manam-Maha): Smell and irritative odour : see `Manam`.

(Manam): Back = Dorse = Rear = (I) the rear part of the human body, (II) the upper part of an animal (III) the part of an object that is opposite to or furthest from the front or the (opposite) side of an object that is not normally seen or used.
