Knowledge through Indian Languages

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

(Moh): White louse = a small white pedicular wingless insect of the gunus pediculus (louse genus) of the family of Pediculidae (Anoplura suborder of insects) under the name of Pediculus humans veslimentorum of the same family. It feeds on the blood of mammals, especially the human being living as an ectoparasite of man.

(Moi): Fart = (I) the gas/air given out from the anus due to bowel movements, (II) the act of discharge of gaseous air as a result or causes by the bowl movement.

(Motpa): Dirtiness or Filthiness = condition/state of having the habitual nature/manner of living in dirty/filthy physical body, dresses stained/soiled with muds, clays, etc and having no habit of cleanliness in the temporary or regular life-style of living.

(Morok): Chilli or pepper = a kind of vegetable uses to render flavour/taste of acridity to arouse alertness to the nerves. They are of many vatrities of which some popular ones are:- Small Chilli (Capsicum minimum, fam solanaceae), Long Chilli or Red pepper (Capsicum annum fam, solanaceae), Black peper (peper nigrum, fam, piperacy) Pepper minth (Mentha spp). All these are of aromatic, carminative and stimulant vegetables produces used as acrid taste flavouring agents.

(Molom/Malam): Liniment = Oinment = lotion = the substance for topical application on the surface of the skin, usually to treat muscular stains/sprains and skin burns/sores, etc. Many of the liniments contain alcohol an another name is embrocation (II) Oily liquid use to rub on the skin acting as a counterirritant. (III) greasy semisolid medicated preparation used for external application. (IV) medation in the form of a thick cream or grease that is to be protected or smoothed on the skin or applied to a mucous membrane.

(Mounaba): Allergy or allergic reaction = a disorder in which the body becomes hyper sensitive to particular antigens (protein or carbohydrate that stimulates production of antibody) called allergens (see below) which provoke characteristic symptoms whenever they are subsequently inhaled, ingested, injected or other wise contacted. Normally antibodies in the blood stream and tissues react with and destroy specific antigents without further trouble. In an allergic person, however, the antigens provoke the release of a class of antibodies that become bound to mast cell (connective cell, associated with formation and storage histamine, heparin and other pharmacologically active substances) in the body`s tissue. The subsequent reaction of allergen with tissue-bound antibody also leads as a side-effect to cell damage, release of histamine and serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) inflammation and all the symptoms of the particular allergy. Different allergies affect different tissues and may have either local or general effects varying from asthma and hay fever to severe dermatitis or gastroenteritis or extremely serious shock. (II) (a) Being sensitive to certain substances (such as pollen or dust) which cause physica reactions. Drug allergy = reaction to certain drug(s). (b) abnormal reaction of cells in the immune defence system against harmless substances such as house dust or grass pollen : many doctors prefer the name, `atopic disease`. Signs and symptoms :- Symptoms of allergies are amongst the familiar discomforts of life . They include headache, inflammation, pain, running nose, sneezing, stomach ache and wheezing. Amongst the less common symptoms are fever, rash and swollen glands. All of these symptoms can indicate many different diseases. The symptoms of allergy indicate an immediate hypersensitivity reaction, though the abnormality may also produce a delayed hypersensitivity reaction which can be more serious. Treatment :- Inflammatory symptoms may respond to antihistamines because histamine is one of the chemicals produced by immune defence in response to antigenic challenge. Newer drugs are being tried to inhibit the formation of immune defence chemicals.

মৌনহনবা পোৎ
(Mounahanba-Pot) : Allergen = the substance that induces allergy or allergic reaction i.e. hypersensitivity. Allergents are usually proteins and include food, dust hair of animals as well as pollen from flowers. Allergic reaction of serum is known Anaphylaxis. Pollens, fur, feathers, mould and dust may cause hay fever : house-dust mite (a free living or parasitic anthropod belonging to the group Acarina) have implicated in some forms of asthma, drugs, dyes, cosmetics and a host of other chemical can cause rashes and dermiatitis : some food allergies may cause diarrhoea or constipation or simulate acute bacterial food poisoning. When a patients allergen has been identified it may be possible to attempt desensitization to alleviate or prevent allergic attacks.
