Knowledge through Indian Languages

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

নাতোন মখূল চাফাৎপা
(Naton makhun Chapthatpa): (I) Rhinitis = the condition of inflammation of the mucous membrane of in the nose which makes the nose run, caused by a virus infection (cold) or and allergic reaction to the dust or flower , etc. (II) Acute rhinitis = Common cold = a virus infection which cause inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose and throat. (III) Allergic rhinitis = Hay fever = Pollinosis = the suffering of inflammation in the nasal passage and eyes caused by an allergic reaction to flowers and their pollen and scent, also to dust. (IV) Chronic catarrhal rhinitis = chronic form of inflammation of the nose where excess mucus is secreted by the mucous membrane.

নাতোন হাক্কজবা
(Naton Hakkajaba): Allergic rhinitis = Hay fever = Pollinosis = the condition of inflammation in the nasal passage, caused by allergic reaction of dust and results much itch in the passage of the nose.

(Nada-Yai): Disease-proof stone = A precious or semiprecious stone such as coral, jasper, diamond, rubby etc. which is supposed to possess the supernatural power toward off or divert illnesses, diseases etc.

নানীঙ-শানীঙ তৌবা
(Naneeng-Shaneeng Touba): Sickly feeling = the condition of health in which the sickly feeling of unwell/unease persisted with the sensation of sickening state of unhealthiness or unwell.

(Napu): Yellowness = Yellow = the colour of the solar light as seen through a spectrum or in rainbow between the orange and green or any dye or pigment having such shade/hue. This is naturally formed as the colour of an object/animal from surface of which the ray of yellow colour in the solar light is reflected after absorption of the other six colours by surface of the object.

নাপু কাবা লাইনা
(Napu Kaba Laina): Jaundice = a disease of yellowish staining or itegument and deeper tissues and secreation of the bile pigment or a yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes indicating excess bilirubin (a bile pigment) in the blood. Jaundice is classified into three types, as :- Obstructive Jaundice = it occurs when the bile made in liver fails to reach the intestine due to obstruction of the bile ducts (ducts that conveys bile from gall bladder to small intestine), (e.g. by gallstone) or to cholestasis (inflammation of the gallbladder). The urine is dark, the faeces pale and the patient may itch. Hepatocellular Jaundice = It is to disease of the liver cells, such as hepatitis/inflammation of liver), when the liver is unable to utilize the bilirubin, which accumulates in the blood. The urine may be dark but the faeces retain their color. Haemolytic Jaundice = Icterus = It occurs when there is excessive destruction of the red cells in the blood (disintegration/destruction of erythocytes). Urine and faeces retain their normal colour. or Icterus = a yellow colouration of the skin, mucous membranes and white of the eyes caused by an excess of the bile pigment called bilirubin in the blood. The excess may be caused from the formation proportionately too much bilirubin (prossibly due to Anaemia or Malaria) from the liver disorder (such as Hepatitis or Cirrhosis) which causes failure to dispose off bile normally or from obstruction of the bile duct (as with Gallstone or Heart failure).

(Naba ): illness = sickness = the state of being fallen into ilness/sickness or the condition when someone suffers disableness, unwell, hurt, injury, wound or infected by some disease, virus, bacteria, etc. so as to inflame tissue, mucous membrane, skin, etc. of any part of internal or external body organs of the physical body of the human being.

নামা শোয়বা
(Nama Shoyba): Handicap = the state of partial or total inability to perform a social, occupational or other activity that the affected person wants to do. It reflects the extent to which and individual is disadvantaged by some partial or total disability (a loss or restriction of function ability or activity as a result of impairment of the body or mind) when compared with those in a peer group who have no such disability. A handicap is usually related to an identifiable structural impairment. It may also reflected functional impairment which may be unsuspected by the individual and dicovered by clinical observation or testing. The alternative terms abnormality, defect or malformation (for impairment) and malfunction (for disability) are used by many authorities, which may sometimes cause confusion ; in an attempt to resolve this a working group of the World Health Organization has suggested using the generic term DISABLEMENT, but this has gained only limited acceptance.

নামা ৱাৎপা
(Nama Watpa): Half wittedness = Mental deficiency/ defectiveness/handicap/retardation/subnormality = Mental deficiency = Mental retardation = that state of those whose intellictual power have failed to develop on such an extent that they are in need of care and protection and required special education.It is also known as mental handicap. The handicap may be classified according to the intelligence quotient (IQ) and mild (IQ = 50-70) moderate to severe (IQ =20-50) and profound (IQ less than 20). Mindly handicapped people often make a good adjustment to life after special help with education. The moderately and severely handicapped usually need much more help and most permanently dependent on other people while the profoundly handicapped usually need constant attention. There are very many cases of mental retardation including Down`s syndrome, inherited metabolic disorders, brain injury, and gross psychological deprivation. Some are preventable or treatable. Mental Handicap = delayed or incomplete intellectual development combined with some form of social malfunction, such as educational or occupational failure or inability to look after oneself, Good education alters the course of handicap for which the term learning disability (or difficulty) is now widely used. Mental illness = a disorder of one or more of the function of the mid (such as emotion, perception, memory, etc. or thought) which causes suffering to the patient or other. If the sole problem is that the individual`s behaviour as a whole is out of line with society`s expectation then the term `illness` is not appropriate. Mental illness should be distinguished from mental retardation in which and individual has a general failure of development of the normal intellectual capacities. It is broadly divided into psychosis in which the capacity for appreciating reality is lost and neurosis, in which insight is retained. Mental impairment = (mostly in legal usage )the condition of significant or severe impairment of intellectual and social functioning associated with abnormally aggressive or seriously irresponsible behaviour. Mental retardation = see Mental deficiency.

(Namahoba): Mental deficiency = see in `Name Watpa`
