Knowledge through Indian Languages

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

(Naha): adolescent = Juvenile = Young = Youth = (I) Asolescent = a person of pre-adult period of life at the age between 12-13 to 18-20 years. (II) Juvenile = immature stage of any organism, usually different from adult form and incapable of reproduction. (III) Young= a person in the early stage of life or not in the advance stage of life. (IV) Youth = the stage of being young or person of between the age of 15 to 21 years.

(Na) : Ear = the sense organ concerned with hearing and balance. Sound waves transmitted from outside into the external auditory meatus caused the eardrum (tympanic membrane) to vibrate.The small bones (ossicles) of the middle ear - the malleus, incus and shapes - transmit the sound vibrations to the fenestra ovalis, which leads to the inner ear (labrinth = interconnecting tube, especially those in the inside of the ear). Inside the cochlea (spiral tube shaped like a snail shell inside the inner ear ; which is the essential organ of hearing) the sound vibrations are converted into nerve impulses. Vibrations emerging from the cochlea could cause pressure to build up inside the ear, but this is released through the Eustachian tube (Syrinx or Pharyngotympanic tube = tube which connects the pharynx to the middle ear). The semicircular canal (three membranous fluid fulled tubes contained within bony labyrinth of internal ear), saccule (Sacculus = small of two sacs in the vestibule of the inner ear which is a part of the mechanism which relates to imformation about the position of head in space) and utricle (utriculus = large sac inside the vestibule of ear which relates information about the upright position of the brain)- also in the inner ear - are all concerned with balance. Hence the ear consists of outer ear (Pinna), middle ear (Tympanic cavity) and inner ear (complex bony cavity). Ear canal - one of the several passages in or connected to the ear especially the external auditory meatus or passage from the outer ear to the eardrum. Ear ossicle = Auditory ossicle = one of the 3 small bones (the malleus, the incus and stapes) in the middle ear.

(Nai): Pus = Thick/thickish yellowish or greenish or yellowish green fluid which is formed at the site of an established infection in localized areas such as in abscesses or boils. Pus contains dead white blood cells, both living and dead bacteria and fragments of dead tissue.

(Nai Omba): Suppuration = the act or state of the information and discharge of the pus.

নাই চাবা
(Nai-Chaba): Suppuration = Nai-Omba see, `Nai-Omba`.

(Naupham): Placenta = the organ within which the uterus by means of which the embyo is attached to the ball of the uterus as organic bridge or the structure that unites unborn mammal to the womb of its mother and establishes nutritive connecting between them. This disc shaped organ attached to the lining of the uterus during pregnancy to which the amnion surrounding the embryo of fetus is linked via umbilical cord. It represents the interface between mother and child. The primary function is to provide the embryo with nourishment, eliminate its wastes and exchange respiratory gases. This is accomplished by the close proximity of the maternal and fetal blood systems within the placenta. It also functions as a gland, secreting human chorionic gonado trophin [(HCG) = a hormone similar to the pituitary gronadotrophin that is produced by the placenta during pregnancy], progesterone (steroid hormone, helps in regulating menstrual cycle ; preparation of uterus for implantation of ovum, development of placenta and mammary glans) and osestrogens [female sex hormones, most impotant ones are sterolacestradiol (C18H24O2), oestrone (C16H22O2) and oesteiol (C18H24O3) : urinary excretion of these hormones increase throughout normal pregnancy] which regulate the maintenence of pregnancy.

(Nauyek): Labour = (I) the sequence of actions by which a baby and the afterbirth (placenta) are expelled out from the uterus at childbirth. The process usually starts spontaneously about 280 days after conception, but it may be started by artificial means. In the first stage the muscular wall of the uterus begins contracting while the muscle fibre of the cervix relax so that the cervix expands. A portion of the membranous sac (amnion) surrouding the baby is pushed into the opening and raptures under the pressure, releasing amniotic fluid to the exterior. In the second stage the baby`s head appears at the carvix and the contractions of the uterus strengthen. The passage of the infant through the vagina is assisted by contraction of the abdominal muscles and conscious pushing by the mother. When the top of the baby`s head appears at the vaginal opening the whole infant is eased clear of the vagina, and the umbilical cord is cut. If the emergence of the head is embedded an incision may made in the surrounding tissue. In the final stage the placenta and the membranes are pushed out by the continuing contraction of the uterus, which eventually returns to its unexpanded state. The average duration of labour is about 12 hours in the first pregnancies and about 8 hours in subsequent pregnancies. The pain of labour may be reduced if the mother trains her abdominal muscles during the prenatal period and by the use of drugs. (II) the pain of labour in the childbirth.

(Nauyom): Amnion = the innermost membrane covering a developing embryo of mammals, especially, human being. It is initially forms over the dorsal part of the embryo but soon expands to enclose the embryo completely within the umbilical cord. It expands outwards and fuses which chorion, obliterating virtually all the intervening cavity. The double membrane (amniochorion) normally ruptures at the birth. Amniotic fluid = Fluid contained in the amnion, which surrounds an unborn baby. Amniotic sac = thin sac which covers an unborn baby in the womb containing amniotic fluid.

(Naushooba): Childbirth = Labour = Nauyek, see `Nauyek`.

(Naushoobee): Midwife = skilled obsteric nurse or female therapist responsible for the care and assistant of mother(s) during pregnancy, labour and childbirth and perhaps for some time afterwards. Community or Domiciliary midwife = a registered or skillful nurse (Aya, see above) with special training in midwifery [the profession of providing assistance and medical care to women undergoing labour assistance and medical care to women undrgoing labour and childbirth] (in both hospital and domiciliary practices). The midwife must be registered with UKCC (United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing Midwifery and Health Vigiting) or alike/akin institution in order to practice.
