Knowledge through Indian Languages

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

(Tekshine-Hanjinba):Reoccurrence = the condition/position of reoccurrence/rehappening the unwanted misfortune which the person oneself had rendered to suffer/aggrive to another/other victim(s).

(Tong): Tissue = A collection of cells specialized to perform perticular function. The cells may be of the same type (e.g. in nervous tissue) or of different type (e.g. in connective tissue). Aggregation of tissues constitute organs. Tissue culture = the culture of living tissues removed from the body in a suitable medium supplied with nutrients and oxygen. Tissue Engineering, in which skin, cartilage and other connective tissue cells are cultured on fibronectin (a large glycoprotein that acts as a host defence mechanism) `mat` to create new tissues, is being explored for use in the tissue grafting for patients with burns, sports injuries, etc.

(Tongsha): (I) Flesh = the tissue, containing blood, forming the part of the body which is not skin, bone or organs. Flesh wounds = wound which only affects the fleshy part of the body. (II) Muscle = a tissue whose cells have the ability to contract, producing movement or force. Muscles posseses mechanisms for converting energy derived from chemical reactions into mechanical energy. The major function of muscles are to produce movements of the body against the force of gravity, to produce movements of structures inside the body. There are three types of muscles - striated muscle, attached to the skeleton ; smooth muscle, which is found in such tissues as the stomach muscle, which is found in such tissues as the stomach, hut and blood vessels and cardiac muscles which forms the walls of the heart.

(Tongsha Cheekpa ): Muscular rheumatism= any aching pain in the muscles and joints. Commonly the symptoms are due to fibrositis (inflammation of fibrous tissue) ; wear and tear of joint [Osteoarthritis (a form of inflammation of bone wherein the cartilages of joint and bones adjacent are worn out) or to inflammation of the muscles associated with abnormal immune reactions[Polymyalgia rheumatica (a rheumatic disease causing aching and progressive stiffness of the muscles of the shoulders and hips after inactivity. These symptoms are typically associated with loss of appetite, fatigue, night sweats, and a raised ESR = erythrocyte sedimentation rate i.e the rate at which red blood cells settle out suspension in blood plasma, measured under standardized conditions)].

(Tolhau): Mucous excretion = the excreted waste product(s) associated with mucous materials/debris, especially in the cases of faeces/dung.

(Tolhau Phayba): Defication of mucous faeces = act/state of defication of faeces associated with the debris of mucous membrane. Such case is occurred in the early stage of dysentey. Pl.see `Eeton Phayba`.

তোল্লী ফায়বা
(Tolli-Phayba): Eeton-Phayba = Dysentery = see Eeton Phayba.
