Knowledge through Indian Languages

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

(Ti): Penis = the male organ that carries the urethra (urinogenital canal : passage leading from urinary bladder and opening externally for discharge of urine and semen) through which urine and semen are discharged. Urination can occur in the normal hanging position. Most of the organ is composed of erectile tissue which becomes filled with blood under conditions of sexual exitement so that penis is erected in this position it can act as a sexual organ capable of entering the vagina and ejaculating semen.

তিক্রি খৎপা
(Tikri Khatpa): Tickling = the act of the touching (a person or body part) lightly with finger and to provoke tingling or light pricking sensation, laughter, little jerky movement, etc. or the part of the body on person which has the feeling of a tingling or light pricking sensation.

(Tingak-Mayngaknaba): Amazement = Astonishment = Surprise = a feeling of mental disorientation caused by something of a sudden unexpected, astounding, amazing, etc. event, factor, gift, etc. on the process/act of catching someone unawares of off-guard.

(Tin): Spittle = Saliva = Alkaline fluid/liquid of secretion of the salivery glands and mucous membrane of the mouth which lubricates, cleaness, assists sensory perception (of taste) and speech and begins the digestion of the carbohydrates. Its main constituents are water and buffers, enxzymes (e.g. amylase) and mucus. The saliva which is expectorated is called spittle. The functions of saliva are to keep the mouth moist, to aid swallowing food, to minimize change of acidity in the mouth and digest starch/carbohydrate. Salivery gland = a gland that produces saliva. There are three pairs of salivary glands as parolid glands. (glands which produce saliva, situated in the neck behind the joint of the jaw and ear), sublingual glands (salivary glands on each side of the lower jaw). They are stimulated by reflex action. Which can be limited by the taste, smell, sight or thought of food.

(Tinkha): Bile = Thick alkaline fluid that is secreted by the liver and stored in the gal bladder, from which it is ejected intermittently into the duodenum via the common bile duct. Bile may be yellow, green or brown, according to the proportion of the bile pigments (excretory products) present ; other constituents are lecithin, cholesterol, and bile salts.The bile salt (emulsifying agents like glycocholates and taurocholate) help to emulsify fats in the duodenum so that they can be more easily digested by pancreatic lipase into fatty acids and glycerol. Bile salts also form compound with fatty acids, which can then be transported into the lacteals, Bile also helps to stimulate peristalsis in the duodanum.

(Tin-Choba): Salivation = the act of producing/secreting a flow of saliva into the mouth in response to the thought or sight of food (drool/dribble/slaver, verbs).

(Tinjoba): Salivatation = see `Tin-choba`

(Teeng): Neurone = Neurone Nerve cell = one of the basic functional units of the nervous system : a specialized to transmit electrical nerve [a bundle of conducting nerve fibres that transmit inpulse from the brain or spinal cord to the muscles and glands (motor nerves) or inward from the sense organs to the brain or spinal cord (sensory nerves)] impulses and so carry information from one part of the body to another. Each neurone has an enlarge portion, the cell body (parikaryon) containing the nucleus from the body extend several process (dendrites) through which impulse away from the cell body. This is normally unbranched expect at the nerve ending. The point of contact of one neurone with another is known as synapse.

তীঙ শোকপা
(Teeng shokpa): Annoyance = the state/mood of someone be rendered to anger/distress or made to harrass/pester or torments/trouble by countinual attacking/disturbing or to make frequent sudden aggressions/attacks.

(Teenglee): Nerve = the strand/bundle conducting nerve fibres/cells (neurones) that transmit neural impulses from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles and glands under the name of motor nerves or inward from the sense organs to the brain or spinal cord under the nomenclature of sensory nerve impulses and so carry informartion/message from one part of the body to the another. They are divisible into minor an major nerves. Most of the major nerve contain both the sensory and motor nerves.
