Knowledge through Indian Languages
Welcome to Bharatavani

Bharatavani is a project with an objective of delivering knowledge in and about all the languages in India using multimedia (i.e., text, audio, video, images) formats through a portal (website). This portal would be all inclusive, interactive, dynamic and moderated. The idea is to make India a Open Knowledge Society, in the era of Digital India.

What is new?

जनजातीय संस्कृति की समृद्ध परम्पराएं | Janajathiya Sanskriti Ki Samrudh Paramparaye
परिया धरती के सिंगार | Pariya Dharthi Ke Singaar
बरवट के गोठ | Barvat Ke Godh
प्रकृति अउ मनखे | Prakriti Au Mankhe
आदिवासी बस्तर-इतिहास एवं परिचय | Adivasi Bastar- Ithihas Evam Parichay
वीर राजा नाहर सिंह - हिंदुस्तान की आन, हिंदुस्तान की शान | Veer Raja Nahar Singh - Haryana Ki Aan, Hindustan Ki Shaan
हरियाणा के लोकगीत | Haryana Ke Lokgeet