Knowledge through Indian Languages

Indian Knowledge System (English)

INDIAN KNOWLEDGE SYSTEM (IKS): This section showcases a wealth of Indian language publications that delve into the country`s rich cultural heritage and traditional knowledge across diverse fields such as arts, language and literature, agriculture, sciences, engineering, architecture, management, economics etc.

चन्द्रच्छायागणितम् | Computations Concerning Moons Shadow
ज्योतिर्मीमांसा | Investigations on Astronomical Theories by Nilkantha Somayaji
पाणिनीय-व्याकरणेऽभिनव-वार्त्तिकानि | New Varttikas to Panini`s Grammar
Panini and Elision
अच्युतमतानुसारिणी राशिगोलस्फुटानीतिः | True Longitude Computation on the Sphere of Zodiac according to Acyuta
तन्त्रसंग्रहः युक्तिदिपिका-लघुविवृत्याख्य-व्याख्याद्वयोपेतः | Tantrasangraha with Yuktidipika and Laghuvivrti
गणितयुक्तयः | Ganitayuktayah (Rationales of Hindu Astronomy : Part-I)
महर्षिकात्यायनप्रणीतम् भाषिकसूत्रम् आचार्यमहास्वामिविरचितया वृत्त्या श्रीमदनन्तभट्टविरचितेन भाष्येण च संवलितम् | Bhasikasutra of Maharsi Katyayana with the commentaries of Mahasvamin and Anantabhatta
अच्युतकृतम् स्फुटनिर्णयतन्त्रम् | Sphutanirnaya-Tantra of Acyuta
ईशावास्योपनिषद् | Ishavasyopanishad