ইন্দিয়াগী লোনশিংদা ফংবা নোলেজ

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

অশীনবা কাবা
(Ashinba-Kaba):Evolving of gastric gas = it is a symptom of the indigestion of food.

(Ashok-Apan):Wound = Injury that penetrate the skin and causes bleeding on the surface of the localized skin and thus both the accident and surgical operations result in wounds or it is a damage of the skin and its undermeath muscles even where the skin itself is not broken as with a bruise (an area of skin disoloration and swelling caused by the leakage of blood from the damaged blood vessel following injury) or an internal injury caused by a blow.

(Ashokpa): Injury=Physical wound and associated damage of the skin, blood, tissue, etc. or a wound that is either physical or mental or the both is a trauma. Trauma = Physical and mental injury/wound.

অশোকপা মফম
(Ashokpa Mapham): Scar /Blemish, see `Atangba`.

(Ashon-Ana): Feeble/weak/disable/infirmed/handicaped person = The person of born or accidental deprivation of power/capability or disorder of limb(s) and/or gland(s).

(Ahamba/Amaba): Unvitality/unliveness = Organism/animal/insect/egg of unvital/unlive state or death/dead

(Ahingba/Achangba): Vitality/Living = act/object/organism of lively state which can do activity(ies) to keep in survival/existence of its/their vital/living state.

(Ahorai): Leprosy = A slow and progressively destructive bacterial infection that may be transmitted by long term direct contract. Children seem to contract, more readily than adults. The infection centres on the skin, mucous membranes and the nerves are liable to this disease. 1) a chronic bacterial disease that affects skin and/or nerves caused by Mycobacterium laprae. L.anaesthetic = attacking nerves resulting in loss of sensation in the area of the skin terminating in gangrene and mutilation. L. muscular = marked by the presence of black (pigmented) or white spots on the skin. L.tubercular = cutaneous beginning with spots and thickening of the skin characterized by pain and tingling in the affected areas followed by complete loss of feeling and later deformities may also arise.

(Ayek-athin):Severe colic gripe/pain = Intense pain to the bowels (stomach and intestines).see `Athin-Areng`.

(Ayo): Sound/Act of utterence on the feeling of pain/gripe or injury/wound/harm = expression of the feeling of pain with / by voice in low, harsh and /or surprised/ interjected state/mood.
