ইন্দিয়াগী লোনশিংদা ফংবা নোলেজ

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

খোঙ হাম্বগী লাইনা
(Khong Hambagi Laina): Diarrhoea = A disease of frequent defection or bowel evaculation passing abnormal soft or liquid faeces. Th urge of defecation or to defecate may continue even after the emptiness or clearence of the rectum. Loss of liquid in the body liquid composition or concentration is this way of defecation, especially in children may lead to dehydration. The diarrhoea may be caused by intestinal infection. Of the forms of intestinal inflammation [such as colitis (inflammation colon) or Crohn`s disease (lleitis = inflammation of mucous membrane in intestines) but it may so range from stress (condition where an outside influence changes the working of the body), overrich diet and mild gastritis and gastroenteritis, to food poisoning,, infection of intestine or the lungs, otitis media, chemical poisoning, infestation with worms and rarely cancer. Treatment depends on the diagnosis of the cause of the disease but should include the replacement of fluid for the liquid loss of the body. A medicine containing Kaolin may give immediate relief. Severe or prolonged diarrhoea may lead to excess losses of fluid, salts and rutrients in the faeces.

খোঙহাম্বা য়ৈখৎপা
(Khong-Hamba Yeikhatpa): Constipation = A condition in which bowel evaculations occurs infrequently or in which the faeces are hard and small or where passage of faeces causes difficulty or pain. The frequency of bowel evaculation varied considerably from person to person and the normal cannot be precisely defined. Constipation developing in a person of previously regular bowel habit may be a symptom of intestinal disease. Recurrent or long standing constipation is treated by increasing dietary fibre (roughage), laxative or enemas. Faeces impaction = The end result of chronic constipation common is senile patients, often rquires manual removal of the faecal bolu under an anaesthetic.

খোঙ হাম্বা থেমদোকহনবা
(Khong-Hamba Themdokhanba): Pugeration = The use of drugs to stimulate intestinal activity and clear the bowels.

খোঙ হাম্বা থেম্নবা হীদাক
(Khong-Hamba Themnaba Heedak): Pungerative/ Laxative/ Cathartic = `Jilap` See `Jilap`

(Khotpa): Scratch = It bears two meanings as (i) Scratch = Slight wound on the skin made when a sharp point is pulled across it or superficial injurry, the injury makes by harming the skin by sharp nail etc. ii)Scratch = To rub the skin with fingernails, especially to relieve itching.

(Khom/Chachu): Breast or Breast milk Breast = The frontal part of chest of human body or the paired breast of women who have mammary glands. The breast consists of fatty tissue surrounding the milk ducts leading to the nipple. It is one of the two compound glands that produce milk. East breast consists of a glandular lubules- the milk secreting area- embedded in th fatty tissue. The milk passes from the lobules into the ducts which join up to form 15-20 lactiferous ducts. Near the front of the breast the lactiferous ducts are dilated into ampullae which act at reservoirs for the milk. Each lactiferous duct discharges through a seperate orifice in the nipple. The dark area round the nipple is called the AREOLA. The anatomical name of the breast is MAMMA. The breast develops as the secondary sexual characterstics in a girl at puberty, under the influence of sex hormones produced by the ovaries. After childbirth a hormone (prolactin = hormone that stimulates, during pregnancy, breast growth and milk production) secreted by pitutary gland stimulates the production of milk, trigered by the bady sucking on the nipple/teat. Breast milk = The milk or white fluid secreted by the women through the nipples/teats of their breasts as she was a female mammal to provide food and nurishment for their child/offsprings. It contains proteins, sugars and lipids as well as fats, carbohydrates and vitamins. Mothers milk is the best food or the sole source of food of a child who was at the start of life.

খোম থোকপা
(Khom-Thokpa): Lactation = The secretion of milk by mammary gland of the breast. Which is usually begins at the end of pregnancy. A fluid called colostrum is secreted before the milk is produced: both secretion are released in response to the sucking action of the infant on the nipple. Location is controlled by hormones, it stops when the baby is no longer fed at the breast.

(Khomjin): Nipple/teat = Mamila/Mammila = the protruding part in the centre of the breast and in case of the women it contains milk ducts through the milk flow. Mamillary bodies = Two little projections on the base of the hypothalamus (part of the brain above the pitutary gland, which controls the production of hormones by the pituitary gland and regulates important bodily functions such as hunger, thirst and sleep).

(Khomda): Breast or Mammillary tumor = The swelling of the breast/ mamma due to the inflammation of tissue of the glandular lobules. The swelling of the inflammed area is due to the leakage from small blood vessels of clear protein containing fluid which accumulates between the cells. So the swelling is associated with pain, heat and redness as it were the natural signs/ symptoms of a tumor caused by the inflammation of tissue.

খোম কক্লাই (খোঙ্গকলাই)
(Khom Kaklai): Rickets = A disease of childhood in which the bones do not harden due to a deficiency of vitamin D [a fat soluble vitamin that enhance the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the intestine and promote their deposition in the bone].Without vitamin D not enough calcium salts are deposited in the bones to make them rigid : consequently they become soft and malformed. This is particularly noticeable in the long bone which become bowed, and in the front of the ribcage,where a characteristic rickety `rosary` may become apparent. The deficiency of vitamin D may be dietary or due to lack of exposure to sunlight which is important in the coversion of vitamin D to its active form.
