ইন্দিয়াগী লোনশিংদা ফংবা নোলেজ

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

খনাউ চাফাৎপা
(Khanao Chaphatpa): Sore throat = Oesophageal ulcer, see `Khounau`

খনাউ তেংখল
(Khanao Tengkhal): Tonsil = Palatine tonsil = Area of lymphoid tissue at the back of throat in which lymph circulates and protects the body against germs entering through the mouth. Lingual tonsil = Lymphoid tissue on the top surface of the back of the tongue. Pharyngeal/Adenoidal tissue = Lymphoid tissue at the back of the throat where the passage from the nose joins the pharnyx.

খনাউ চরম
(Khanao Charam): Gullet = Oesophagus = the muscular tube which food and drink passes/swallowed from the mouth to stomach, Gravity provides the main motive force but these are also some muscular movements (peristalis) which sqeezes the swallowed material down towards the stomach. A strong sphincer at the end of the gullet is there to prevent the food from being regurgitated.

(Khayat): Buccal Opening = the opening of the mouth, surrounded by lips. It contains two corners of the upper and lower lips. The corners of lips are resulted by the joining/fitting of the mandible (lower jaw bone) to the skull and there fleshy/muscular coverings to from the lower part of the face.

(Kharee): Alkali = A soluble hydroxide of a metal, particularly one of the alkali metals. This term is often applied to any substance that has an alkaline reaction (i.E. turns litmus blue and neutralized acids) in solution. Alkali metals = The univalent metals - Lithuim, Sodium, Potassium, Rubidium and Caesium belonging to Group 1A of the periodic table. (ii)Alkaloids = A group of basic organic substances of plant origin, containing at least one nitrogen atom in a ring structure in a molecule. Many have important physiological actions and are used in medicine. e.g. Codeine, Cocaine, Nicotine, Quinine, Morphine, etc.

(Khaba): Bitter/Bitterness = The taste of bitterness indentifies by the taste buds at the back part of the tongue.

(Kha): (i) Buccal cavity = Mouth, see `Chin` (ii) Corner of Buccal Opening = the place(s) of permanent joining of the upper and lower lips. See `Khayat`.

(Khayaknaba): Too saltish/Alkaline taste = strong taste (inclining to bitterness) of the common salt[Sodium Chloride (NaCl)] or alkaloid.

(Khamba): Bruise or Contusion = an area of skin discoloration caused by the escape of blood from ruptured underlying vessels following injury. Initially red or pink, a bruise gradually becomes bluish and then greenish yellow as the haemoglobin in the tissues breaks down chemically and absorbed. It may be necessary to draw off blood from very severe bruises through a needle to aid healing.

(Khayat):Vocal Opening, See `Khayat`
