ইন্দিয়াগী লোনশিংদা ফংবা নোলেজ

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

(Yooba) : Piercing :- the act of making a hole in the tissue or mass/matrix which is constituting a body or part of a body by passing through skin/shell covering with a sharp or pointed edge/blade/point, etc. i) prick = the act/experience or stimulate the feeling/sensation of piercing , ii)Stinging = a) the act of inserting a sting for irritation , poisoning , etc. b) the experience/feeling the insertion and entering a sting or sting like point , etc.

(Yengkhunmit) : Night Blindness or Nyctalopia = the condition/ailment of inability to see at night or in dim light. It is due to a disorder of the cells in the retina that are responsible for vision in dim light and can result from dietary deficiency in vitamin A. If the vitamin deficiency is allowed to continue, its manifestation may progress to include Xerophthalmia (disease marked by dry lusterless condition of conjunctiva due to lack of vitamin A in diet and may lead to blindness) and keratomalacia (softening of cornia frequently caused by vitamin A deficiency). Night blindness may be caused by other retinal diseases, e.g. retinitis pigmentosa ( Fimilial degenerative condition progressing to blidness) Congenital stationary night blindness = it is characterized by poor night vision from early childhood that does not get worse.

(Yen) : Semen or Seminal fluid :- the fluid ejaculated from the penis sexual climax. Each ejaculation may contain 300-500 million spermatozoa suspended in a fluid secreted by the prostate gland and seminal vesicles with a small contribution from the cowper`s gland (Bulborethral gland = two glands at the base of the penis which secretes into the urethra). It contains fructose which provides the spermatozoa with energy and prostaglandins (fatty acid presents in many parts of the body) which affect the muscles of the uterus and may therefore assist treatment of the spermatozoa.

(Yenbeeneeng) : Corn :- The area of hard thickened skin on or between the toes; a types of callosity [Nungpok Callus :- hard patch on the skin resulting from frequent pressure or rubbing] produced by all fitting shoes. The horny skin layers from an inverted pyramid that causing.

য়ুরাই চুবা
(Yurai Chuba) :- Alcoholism = the syndrome due to physical dependence on alcohol, such that a sudden deprivation may cause withdrawal symptoms - tremor, anxiety, hallucinations and delusions. The risk of alcoholism for an individual and its incidence in a society depends on the amount drunk. Countries such as France, where heavy drinking is socially acceptable, have the highest incidence. Usually several years` heavy drinking is needed for addiction to develop but the range is from one to 40 years. Alcoholism impairs intellectual function, physical skill, memory, and judgement; social skills, such as conversation are preserved until late stage. Heavy consumption of alcohol also causes cardiomyopathy(disease of heart muscle), peripheral neutritis (inflammation of neuron / nerve), cirrhosis (wasting / hardening of tissue) of the liver and enteritis (inflammation of mucous membrane of intestine). Treatment is usually given a psychiatric hospital, where the alcoholic is first dried out and then help to undertand the psychological pressure that led to his heavy drinking. Drugs such as disuferam(Antabuse), which cause vomiting if alcohol is taken, may help in treatment pain. A corn may be treated by applying salicylic acid or chiropody. Salicylic acid = white antiseptic substance which destroy bacteria and fungi and which is used in ointment to treat corns warts and other skin disorders.

য়োংলাই চুবা
(Yonglai- chuba) : Rickets = a disease of childhood in which the bones donot harden due to the lack / deficiency of vitamin D (calciferol). Without vitamin D not enough calcium salts are deposited in the bones to make them rigid; consequently they become soft and malformed. This is particularly noticeable in the long bones, which become bowed, and in the front of ribeage where characteristic rickety rosary may become apparent. The dificiency of vitamin D may be dietary as due to lack of exposure to the sunlight , which is important in the conversion of vitamin D to its active form.
