ইন্দিয়াগী লোনশিংদা ফংবা নোলেজ

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

(Kuchu): Complexion = general colour of skin on the face or general apperence, temperament or texture of skin especially on the look of face.

কুচু তাইবা
(Kuchu Taiba): Pale complexion = the state of being in the position of having pale color than normal due to the result of illness or other disorder.

কুম-থা শুবা
(Kum-Tha Shuba): Maturity/Completion of pregnancy = the state of bring completion of 280 days of pregnancy since the conception, normally lasting upto 40 weeks (280 days) in general or attains the maturity of bearing a developing baby in the uterus/womb.

কুরাং / কুরাংবান
(Kurang/Kurangban): Crush/Crustaison= The hard rind or outer coating/covering of anything on the layer of outermost covering adhering to the crust of anything.

(Kuyom): Wrapping cover= Skin=see Oon/Oonsha.

(Kuron):Skin layer= the outer layer or layers of the skin.

(Kok): Head = The topmost part of body, structured round the skull and lower jaw(mandible) with the flesh made of tissues. The head contains the eye, the sensitive /sensory organ of smell/smelling, the mouth, the take to organ of food and drinks which bears the sensitive/sensory organ of taste, the ear, the sensitive/sensory organ of sound(voice)/hearing and the brain, the vital director and controller of the rest of the body as well as the seat of awareness and memory. The head is also the centre, through the mouth and nose for taking in both air and food to sustain the life of the body.

কোক ঙাওফিং ঙাওফিং তৌবা
(Kok Ngoaphing Ngaophing Touba):Diziziness = Giddiness= the condition of inability to retain/sustain balance invloving unsteadiness together with a light heading/headed feeling.Causes of this ailmen includes -low blood pressure (hypotension) and druged/druging effect/affect. The treatment, if required for relaxation, relief or remedy will be corresponding to the cause of the ailment/suffering

কোক ঙাওরি ঙাওরি তৌবা
(Kok Ngaori Ngaori Tauba): Giddiness = See `Kok Ngaophing-Nagophing Touba`

কাক ঙাওবা
(Kok Ngaoba): Vertigo = Dizziness/giddness involving the organs of balance. Dizziness is brought on by fatigue, standing up quickly or fever but this dizziness is not the true vertigo. But the patient may/will hardly distinguishable the diference (s) between the two cases. Vertigo implies disorientation and the feeling that one`s surroundings are rotating. The victim may feel that he/she is going around and stagger/fall. Nausea is a common adjunt but if there is also pallor, tinnitis and vomitting the patient may have Meniere`s disease (disorder of the inner ear affecting the functions of hearing and balance). Other possible causes are inflammation or infection affecting the organs of balance or the nerves which conduct balance signals to the brain, antheroscleosis, epilepsy, hypertension or hypotention and migraine.Persistant vertigo requires treatment of the underlying cause.However, the patient should lie down immediately, or sit down on a ledge chair or bench and bent forward. Of course, the suffering is if the dizziness it is due to drink, excitement or sudden movement if vertigo occurs more than once or twice it is a bad disorder.
