ইন্দিয়াগী লোনশিংদা ফংবা নোলেজ

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

(Yatan) : Care/carefulness = Caution = the activity of looking after someone or something, or the state of being looked after. (II) attention or general treatment (of patient). Intensive care = constant supervision and treatment of a patient in a special section of a hospital.

(Yantra) : Talisman = a small object such as a stone, metal, wood, bark, etc. supposed to have magic powers to protect its owner from evil, bring good luck or work. (II) amulet = a charm carried about the person or a medicine supposed to have occult operation or mystical diagram, verse, words, numbers, etc. on paper, stone, birch bark and other writing materials or/and epigraphic materials enclosed in a little case, casket etc. of ornaments, decorations, etc.

(Yamalaya) : Nether world = the supposed land/world of death/dead.

(Yadu) : Sorcery = Maya = the art of magic, especially, black artistic ones, that are associated with evil spirit or power, supernatural force, etc. such as vampire, prince of darkness (satan), devil, etc. to cure, heal, inhale or destroy, kill, murder or sicken, infect, inflame, disease, harm, etc. man, thing, etc.

(Ya) : Tooth(pl.teeth) = the hard epidermal structure which is rooted in socket in each jaw of most vertebrates except birds and turtles.It is in the mouth that chops, bites, cuts, chisels, chewes and mastication of food inside the mouth. The main constituent of tooth is dentive (a hard tissue that forms the bluk of tooth. The dentine of the crown is covered with enamel and that of the root by cementum. The dentine is permeated by fine tubules which near the centre of the tooth contain cellular processess from the pulp. Exposed dentile is sensitive to cold, heat and touth). Covered by an external layer of enamel. At the core of each tooth is the pulp,in which there are nerves and blood vessels. Children`s deciduous teeth number 20 (twenty) and adult may have 32(thiry two) -8(eight) imcisors for cutting, 4(four) canines for tearing or transfixing,8(eight) premolars as utility teeth and 12(twelve) molars [including wisdom teeth (the third and last molars, two in each jaw appear between the age of 17 to 25 years) for griniding. Each tooth has crown, neck and root. Crown is the part of the tooth protruding beyond the gum into the mouth and is coated with enamel. Neck is the part that slightly constricted at the middle of tooth embraced by the gum. The root or fang is the posterior part that petrates into the jaw bone, covered with cement, and it is firmly fixed into alveolus(small cavily or pit or tooth-socket =a socket in part of the jaw-bone or mendible or maxilla) in the jaw. Impacted tooth = tooth which is pressed into the jaw bone and so cannot grow normally. Milk teeth or Deciduous teeth = a child`s first 20(twenty) teeth which are gradually replaced by the permanent teeth. Permanent teeth = adult`s teeth which replace a child`s teeth during late childhood. Tooth decay or caries = the bacterial invasion of the plague on tooth that adheres to the surface enamel of the tooth and gradually decomposition of the enamel and erosion of the dentine that comprises the substance of the bone. Tooth wear = a condition in which loss of tooth substance is excessive for the patient`s age.It include attrition the wearing of tooth surface by the action of opposing teeth. A small amount of attraction occurs with age but accelerated wear may occur in bruxism(grinding of teeth while asleep / unconscious) and certain diets], erosion(an eating away tissue by physical or chemical processes including those associated inflammation) and abrasion (condition where the surface of the skin has been rubbed off by a rough surface and bleeds) but the cause is not always obvious. 2) Mouth = cheen, see`Cheen`.

য়া কেনবা
(Ya kenba) : Fall of tooth = the act of falling out / off the tooth / teeth by despatch or free descendance or fall from the gum socket.See also `Ya Tekpa`.

(Ya Cheekpa) : Toothache = the condition / state of feeling/ sensation of pain may be acute mild, sever intense, tingling or pinching degree in the tooth/ teeth or gum surrounding the root and neck of the tooth / teeth caused by an infection, disease,tooth decay or/and teething/ toothing.

য়া চৌবা
(Ya chouba) : Big teeth = the state/condition of having big tooth/teeth,especially in the front teeth.

য়া তীন-চাবা
(Ya Teen-Chaba) : Tooth decay or Caries = the condition of decay and crumbling the substance in the pulp and other parts of the teeth/tooth or bone as infected by the bacterial invasion of the plague that adheres to the surface enamel of a tooth and the gradual decomposition of the enamel and erosion of the dentine that comprises the substance of the teeth.The actule/local caries occurs in children while dental caries,`Ya Naba` occurs in adults.

য়া তুমশিনবা
(Ya Toomshinba) : Erosion of tooth or Erosion = the loss of surface tooth substance,usually caused by repeated application acid which softens the enamel surface. It may result from excessive intake of citrus drinks citrous fruits or carbonated drinks or by regurgatation of acid from the stomach,as in bulimia nervosa (Psychological condition where the patient eats too much food and is incapable of controlling his eating), hiatus hernia(the stomach bulges through the opening in the diaprogm muscle through which oesophagus passes), alcoholism or stress. The teeth become very sensitive. The cause should be corrected: severe cases may require extensive dental restorations.
