ইন্দিয়াগী লোনশিংদা ফংবা নোলেজ

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

(Maku): Bark/hide/skin)= the outermost covering of the stem and root in the plant.- (II) the skin of either raw or treated/ tanned outer covering of animals excluding the feather , fur, etc.

(Maoon/ Mawoon): Skin = the natural body covering of the vertebrates consisting of corium (inner layer/ portion), and epicirium/epidermis (out layer/portion). See `Oon/ Un` and `Unsha` also.

(Maku-Mang): (I) Reverie= Day-dream = a state of dreamy and absented-minded thought in the undirected train of thinkings/fancies.

(Mang): Dream = (I) the thoughts and mental images experienced during sleep or (II) the images which a person sees in his mental eye when asleep see `Tumba`

(Makhol): Sound (I) one of the invisible energy modified and acoustic nerve. (2) the noise or audible expression that heard as a result of the periodic vibrations that are propagated through a medium of air as pressure waves so that the medium/air is replaced from its equilibrium state (3) (Surge) long red rod use to examine or to dilate the inside of a cavity in the body.

(Manglaknaba): (I) Night terror = the condition in which child (usually aged 2-7 years), soon after falling asleep, start screaming and appears terrified. The child cannot be comforted because he remains mentally-inaccessible : the attack ceases when he wakes up fully and is never remembered. Attacks sometimes follow a stressful experience. such cases are also seen in the adults also of they have some disorders in the thought and thinking as the mental faculty react against them. (II) Nightmare = the condition of dreaming frightening dreams or carrying out the followings- (a) sleep apnoea = cessation of breathing or may lead to the heart failure due to the tension of terror. (b) Sleep paralysis = the condition of a terrifying inability to move or speak while remaining partially or fully alert. It occurs in upto 60% of palients. (c) Sleep- walking = somnambulism = Noctambulation = It is a condition of walking about and performing other activities/ actions in a semi automatic way during sleep without later rememberance/memory of doing so. It is common during childhood and may persist into adult life. It can also arise spontaneously or as the result of stress or hypnosis. (d) Heart failure = a condition in which the pumping action of the ventricle of heat is inadequate. This results in back pressure of blood with congestion of the lungs and liver. the vein in the neck become engorged and fluid accumulates in the tissues. There is a reduced flow of arterial blood from the heart which in extreme cases results in peripheral circulatory failure (cardiogenic shock) Heart failure may result from any condition that overloads, damages or reduces, the efficiency of the heart muscle. Common cause are coronary thrombosis, hypertension, chronic diseases of the valves and arrhythnias. The patient experiences breath lessness, even when lying flat and oedema of the legs. overloaded frightening and terrifying may occur such cases.

(Mangchangba): Sleeping trance = A process which a Meitei native priest (Amaiba)/priestess (Amaibee) used to take up certain cultic offering to divinity ( usually of benevolent character ) with meditative ascetism and tried to sleep in the normal sleeping hours for communicating the divinity with the regard to a matter (especially inthe serious cases) to obtain/attain advice(s) and supposed to have received the divine revealation in the dream when asleep in normality, devotional/aspiring meditation and concentration of mind on the divinity.

(Mangdaba): = Sleeping trance + see Mang-Changba.

(Mangei-Neekpa): Senile quivering = the state/condition of quivering head as a symptom displaying the feeblenss and decay of the mind and body as worn out the previous possessions of strength and intellect by advancing old agedness.

(Maching): (I) Caprice = the state/act of sudden change of mind for no obvious reson or good reasoning.
