ইন্দিয়াগী লোনশিংদা ফংবা নোলেজ

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

টিকা থাবা
(Tika Thaba): Vaccination = this word is derived from the Latin word `vacca` meaning `cow` and was introduced by the English physician, Edward Jenner who discover and publicized the technique for preventing small pox by vaccination with loss virtulent strain of the same virus which he knew as cowpox. The cowpox virux antigents caused appropriate cells in the immune defence system to form antibodies and to prepare themselves by increasing their number so that if the smallpox virus itself should appear it could be attacked and destroy. A means of producing immunity to a disease by using a vaccine or a special preparation of antigenic material to stimulate the formation of appropriate antibodies. The name was applied orginally only to treatment with vaccinea (cowpox) virus which gives protection against the related small pox. However, it is now used synonymously with inoculation as a method of immunisation against any disease. Vaccination is often carried out in two or three stages as separate doses are less likely to cause unpleasant side-effect. A vaccine is usually given by infection but may be introduced into the skin through light scratches for some disease (such as polio ; oral vaccines may available). Vaccine = a special preparation of antigenic material that can be used to stimulate the development of antibodies and thus confer active immunity against a specific disease or number of diseases. Many vaccines are produced by culturing bacteria or viruses under conditions that lead to a loss of their virulence but not of their antigenic nature. Other vaccines consist of specially treated toxins (toxiods) or of the dead bacteria that are still antigenic. Example of live but allenmeated (weakend) organism in vaccines are those against tuberculosis, rabies and small pox. Dead organism are used against Cholera and Typhoid precipitated toxiods are used against Cholera and Typhoid precipitated toxiods are used against diphtheria and tetanus. Or Inoculation = the introduction of a small quantity of materail, such as a vaccine, to the process of immunization: a more general name for vaccination.

টিকা লাই থোকপা
(Tika Lai Thokpa): Cowpox = The disease with eruption of vesicle/pustules causes by vaccinea virus after the vaccination for protection of any kind of pox diseases or syphilid. This measure causes itching and inflammation of skin and tissue but are not so harmful.
