ইন্দিয়াগী লোনশিংদা ফংবা নোলেজ

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

(Chajik): Stale meal = The meal which has past its best because it has been kept too long so as to pass a day/night.

(Chak): Cooked rice = The rice prepared by boiling with water on the heat (fire, electricity etc.) to form strands or a part of meal/food.

(Chak-mi-chenba): Greediness of food = The attitude or the motto and motive / motivation of greediness in the rash devouring of food as it to eat too voraciously.

চাকখুম থোকপা
(Chakhum Thokpa): Menstruation = See `Ritu Lakpa`

(Chakmouba): i)Foodphobia or Phobia of food = The disorder suffers by one to feel nauseous sensation of the sight of food causes by the too much eating of the food/food-item. ii) Morning sickness = The nausea (tendency of vomition) and vomiting occuring to a woman in her early period of pregnancy. In some women the symptom disappear if a small amount of food is eaten before rising in the morning.

(Chakmangba): Hyperemesis gravidarum = It is a woman`s suffering case of severe vomiting during pregnancy. It starts in the early stage of prognancy as morning sickness or alike ailment and it may continue to produce marked dehydration (loss of water) and subsequent liver damage. Rarely, the condition worsens in spite of active treatment. Under such circumstances it may be neccessary to terminate the pregnancy.

(Chaning): Pubis (Pubises): Hipbone that forms anterior arch of pelvis in man. ii) Part of the body just above the groin, where the pubic bones are found. Pubis = Bone forming the front part of the pelvis. Pubic bone = Pubis or bone in front of the pelvis. Pubic hair = Tough hair growing in the genital region. Pubic louse or Phthitius = louse which infests the pubic region. Pubic symphysis = Pieces of cartilage which joins the two sections of the pubic bone.

(Charam): Gullet = Oesophagus = Throat= the passages of the food/rice (as the Meitei are habituated the rice as their staple/principal food, they use to mean rice as food) = Khounao. See `Khounao`

(Chak-Khou): Stomach= i) A distensible sac-like organ that forms part of alimentary canal between the oesophagus (gullet) and duodenum. It communicates with the former by means of the cardiac sphincter and with latter with pyloric sphincter. The stomach lies just below the diaphragm, to the right of the spleen and party under the liver. Its function is to continue the process of digestion that begins in the mouth. Gastric juice [digestive juice/fluid secreted by gastic glands (tabular glands that lie in the mucous membrance of the stomach wall. There are three varieties- cardiac, parietal/oxyntic and polyric glands)] secreted by gastric glands in the mucus, contains hydrochloric acid and enzyme pepsin, which contribute to chemical degestion. This together with the churring action of the muscular layers of the stomach reduces the foot to a semiliquid partly digested mass that pass on to the duodenum. Stomach ache = Pain in abdomen/stomach (causes by eating too much food or by an infection). Stomach cramp = Sharp spasm of the stomach muscles. Stomach pump = Instrument of sucking the contents of a patient`s stomach. Stomach tube = Tube passes into the stomach to wash it and to take sample of the content. Stomach upset = Slight infection of the stomach. ii) Stomach = The region of the abdomen.

চাক চাবা
(Chak-Chaba): Taking of meal = The acts of eating and swallowing food for taking energy to do lively functions or subsistence and sustenence of life. Eating disorders = illness (such as anorexia and bulimia) which are associated with eating. Anorexia = Loss of appetite. Bulimia = Insatiable overeating. The symptom may be psychogenic, occurring [for example, as a phase anorexia nervosa (a psychological illness in which the patients starve themselves or use other techniques, such as vomiting or taking laxative to induce weight loss)] or it may be due to neurological causes, such as a lesion of the hypothalamus (part of midbrain closet to pituatory). Eating habits = Type of food and quantities of food regularly eaten by a person.
