ইন্দিয়াগী লোনশিংদা ফংবা নোলেজ

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

(Garva): Abdomen = A Sanskrit word adopted by the Meitei through their Hinduisation and Sanskritization.

গর্ভ পুবা
(Garva Puba): To bear in abdomen i.e. Pregnancy. See `Khoyjee Khagee Mihul Hunba/Langba`.

(Guli): Pill = Solid compacted form of a drug in the shape of a disc or spheroid, sometimes also coated to make it easier to swallow. Capsule = Small hollow digestible case, filled with drug to be swallowed by patient. Tablet = Small flat round piece of dry drug which patient swallows.

(Gonoriya): Gonorrhoea = A sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacteruim NEISSERIA GONORRHOEAE, that affects the genital mucous membrane of either sex. Symptoms develop about a week after infection and include pain on passing urine and discharge of pus (known as GLEET) from the penis (in men) or vagina (in women): some infected women, however, experience no symptom. If a pregnant woman has gonorrhoea, her baby`s eyes may become infected during passage through the birth canal. In untreated cases, the infection spread throughout the reproductive system, causing sterility: severe inflammation of the urethra in man can prevent passage of urine [a condition known as stricture]. Later complications include arthritis (inflammation of the joints i.e. gout), inflammation of the heart valves (endocarditis) and infection of the eyes causing conjunctivitis [inflammation of conjucticva (membrance lying in the inner eyelid and interior portion of eyeball)] Treatment with ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin or cefotaxime is usually effective.
