Knowledge through Indian Languages

Dictionary of Manipuri Medical Terms (Manipuri-English)

(Amaiba):(i) Priest = person practises religious work or priestly personnel who practises / performs exorcism and carrying out customary rituals/rites in therapy or treatment of/for curing/ heating or preventing diseases and protecting for disabilities in Meitei religion-therapeutic measures/treatment.

(Amaibi):Priestess = Referring to the she - Practitioner of the priest, she does as the priest does. See Amaiba.

(Ametpa):Physician or Therapeutic practitioner = Medical practitioner authorized after qualifying to diagnose and treat patient. There are four kinds as :- (i) Amaiba (Therapeutic exocist), (ii) Maiba (Medicinal therapeutic practitioner), (iii) Ametpa (Masseur/Massagist) and (iv) Khuttaba (Surgreon-cum-physician of surgery and bone disorders). Masseur/Massagist = Practitioner/physician of massaging (a system of treatment for painful mascles, etc. by strocking, pressing, tapping, kneading, rubbing, friction.etc) treatment in therapy or healing/curing a disease, Frm, Masseuses.

(Ametpi):Masseuse - Female/ she-massagist.see Ametpa.

অমেৎপা লোইশঙ
(Ametpa Loishang): =Institution of Masseurs and Masseuses.

(Arak-Akhang):Sudden calamity = accident/calamity occurs suddenly.

(Arum):Fever or Scarletina = disease/suffering (especially infections one) marked by the great bodily temperature/heat and quickening of the pulse above normal.

(Arum-Apumba):Chronic fever = The disease of fever which cannot be healed/cured for many days/years. The fever can be divided into :- Scarlet fever = In a mild form (i.e. Arum) it is known as `Scarletina`. Scarlet fever is a toxic manifestation of infection with haemolytic streptococcal bacteria which also caused tonsillitis (inflammation of tonsils(s) that may be caused by bacterial/virul infection). Yellow fever = It is a severe (but uncommon) infection today which may attack the liver resulting in a pronounced Jaundice, The incubation period is 3 to 6 days, Almost at once there is high backache, fever and headache. The pulse is slow. If the liver becomes involved a typical black vomitting takes place. Blood disorders appears. Heart and kidney failure cause death to about 10% of all patients through fatalities are somewhat higher during epidemic. Diagnosis need identification of the causative virus or antibodies to it. Yellow fever still occurs in tropical Africa and south America. The virus is transmitted by Aedes mosquitos. The main animal reservoir is in monkeys. No remedy exist, however a vaccination using, an attenuated virus has been found to be effective for 10 years.

(Arum Laihau): Malaria (Ague = Marsh fever = Periodic fever = Paludism)] = an infection disease due to the presence of parasitic protozoa of the genus Plasmodium [a genus of protozoas that live as parasite within human red blood cells and liver cells. The parasite indergoes its asexual development in the human and complete the sexual phase of its development in the stomach and digestive glands of the blood sucking Anopheles mosquito. Four species are - Plasmodium falciparum, P.Malarie, P, ovale and P.vivax]. The disease is transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito and is confined mainly to the tropical and subtropical areas Parasite in the blood of an infected person are taken into the stomach of the mosquito as it feeds. Here they multiply and then invade the salivary glands when the mosquito bites an individual, parasites are injected into the blood stream and migrated to the liver and other organs where they multiply.After an incubation period varying from 12 days (P falciparum) to 10 months (some variety of P. vivax) parasites return to bloodstream and invade the red blood cells.Rapid multiplication of the parasites result in destruction of the red cells and the release of more parasites capable of infecting other red cells. This cause a shortbout of shivering, fever, and sweating and the loss of healthy red cells results in anaemia. When next batch of parasite in released symptoms reappear. The interval between fever attacks varies in different types of malaria. Quartan malaria/fever = in it caused by P.malariae, it is three days. Tertian malaria (P. ovale or P.vivax)= in it two Malignant tertian/quolidian malaria. (P.falciperum) = the most severe kind for a few hours to two days. Preventive and curative treatment include such drugs chloroquinine, progvanil melfoquine and pyrimethamine. A vaccine is being tested.

(Areng-Athin):Colic pain, see `Athin-Areng`.
